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9 Instagram Reels Ideas for the Pet Business

Whether you love ‘em or hate ‘em, Instagram Reels are here to stay and continue to remain the #1 way to grow organically on the social media platform. Perhaps you’re wanting in on the action but are having trouble coming up with Instagram Reels ideas.

Brainstorming content ideas, trying to crack the code on what makes a Reel go viral, or figuring out your optimal time to post can be overwhelming for sure. It can sometimes feel like there’s some magical Reels formula that you just haven’t mastered yet.

While there is no one-size-fits-all magic formula, there is some strategy involved. The good news is that we are here to break it down for you and help you learn how to create amazing Reels on Instagram in no time!

woman taking selfie on bed with a dog | 9 Instagram Reels Ideas for the Pet Business

What Makes Instagram Reels Go Viral?

If you’ve spent any time watching Reels on Instagram, you’ve likely seen some that have hundreds of thousands if not millions of views. You might feel like you’re running on a hamster wheel trying to recreate what those content creators have done to go viral yourself.

While aiming to create a viral Reel isn’t necessarily a bad goal to have, you should instead set a more attainable goal of going “viral-for-you,’ or VFY. This just means that instead of trying to get millions of views on your Reels, you instead aim for numbers that would be considered viral in comparison to the stats you normally get for the audience size you have.

What is considered to be VFY will be different for everyone. For example, a Reel with 5,000 views might be considered VFY if you have an account with 500 followers and normally get a couple hundred views on your Reels.

“Okay, that’s great, but how do I do that?” you’re wondering…

Thankfully there are several things you can do to help influence a Reel going “viral.”

1. Use trending audios.

A trending audio or song on Instagram is one that is gaining popularity and being used or saved over and over. As you scroll through your Instagram Reels feed, you can search for trending audios by looking for the upwards arrow that displays to the right of the track name (see screenshot below).

Instagram screenshot of a reel | 9 Instagram Reels Ideas for the Pet Business

For the best chance at success, you should try to create Reels on Instagram using trending audios with less than 1-2K uses. A low number of uses indicates you’re getting in on the trend early, which will give your Reel a higher chance of going VFY. If an audio already has thousands and thousands of uses, then the trend is likely on its way out.

You can check how many times an audio has been used by clicking on the audio file name, which will bring you to a page that displays all the Reels that have used that specific audio clip along with the total number of uses.

Instagram screenshot of an audio screen | 9 Instagram Reels Ideas for the Pet Business

2. Create highly shareable content.

The Instagram algorithm will keep pushing your Reel out to more viewers if it sees that your Reel is getting good engagement – likes, comments, shares, and saves. To get good engagement, you need to be creating content that makes people want to share it. More shares = more views = happy algorithm.

But what makes someone want to share a Reel? Well, consider what makes YOU want to share a Reel. You’re more likely to share if a video triggers a positive emotional reaction (makes you laugh or warms your heart, for example), if it’s relatable in some way, or maybe if it includes useful information you think others would benefit from.

As you plan your content, brainstorm Instagram Reels ideas that do any or all of the above! You also might be more likely to share if you are told to share, which brings us to #3…

3. Include a call-to-action (CTA).

A call-to-action, or CTA, is the next step you want your viewer to take after watching your Reel. People like to be told what to do, and they are more likely to do the thing if you explicitly tell them to do it. Without a CTA, your Reels viewers are more likely to keep scrolling.

Examples of CTAs include:

  • “Like this Reel if…”
  • “Save this for later”
  • “Share with a friend who…”
  • “Read the caption for more info”

4. Include a hook.

A hook is the part of your Reel that grabs the viewer’s attention right away – the thing that gets them to stop scrolling. You want to include the hook within the first 3 seconds of the Reel. The hook could be something visual within your video, or it could be in the text that first appears.

Hook examples include:

  • “The secret to…”
  • “3 tips for…”
  • “How to…”
  • “Don’t {insert action} without doing this first…”
  • “5 steps to…”

5. Use high-quality videos and photos.

If you want people to engage with your Reels, be sure to use high-quality videos and photos. Nobody likes to look at blurry or grainy videos. The lighting should be good, and the picture should be clear. Otherwise, people will keep on scrolling.

You should also take advantage of the full screen by using vertical videos and photos rather than horizontal ones.

What Time Should I Post Reels?

Another piece of the Instagram Reels strategy is knowing the optimal time to post. This optimal time will vary from account to account, so it’s important to check your insights to see what times of day your specific audience is most active on the platform.

Once you’ve determined when your audience is most active, you should aim to get your Reels posted about 1-2 hours BEFORE that. For example, if your audience’s activity peaks at 11am, you should get your Reels up by 9-10am.

These suggestions are just general guidelines, so you should experiment with exactly what time of day works best for you. Once you’ve figured that out, be consistent. Keep to your posting schedule so both the algorithm and your audience know when to expect your Reels!

How to Create Amazing Reels on Instagram

Still feeling a little lost on how to create those scroll-stopping Reels? Here are a few more tips to set you up for success:

1. Batch your content.

Batching your work is the act of grouping like tasks together to complete them. When applied to creating Reels, this means setting aside a block of time to come up with your Instagram Reels ideas, another to film, another to edit, another to write captions, etc. Doing this will help maximize your productivity and save you time in the long run!

2. Get the tools.

While you certainly can create Reels with just yourself and your phone, there are a few inexpensive tools that will help you take your Reels to the next level. We especially recommend investing in a phone stand or tripod and some sort of lighting, such as a ring light or softbox.

3. Play around and experiment.

The in-app editing features for Reels are quite extensive. Within Instagram, you can film, trim clips, rearrange clips, add captions, add text overlays, add filters, add engagement stickers, use timers, speed up or slow down clips, and more. It’s a lot, and it takes practice to get used to all these features and how to use them.

The best way to get more comfortable with them all and use these features to your advantage is to practice! Play around with the interface. You can experiment as much as you want without posting a single thing, so feel free to play and have fun!

4. Check out other video editing apps.

While you can 100% create awesome Reels without ever leaving the Instagram app, you do have the freedom to use other video editing apps. Maybe you have one you already use and are comfortable with, or maybe there’s one that has more editing features you’d like to have access to.

Popular video editing apps include InShot, Clips, Canva, Adobe Rush, FilmoraGo, and Splice.

woman taking selfie on bed with a dog pin | 9 Instagram Reels Ideas for the Pet Business

9 Instagram Reels Ideas for the Pet Business

You’re now armed with tips on what makes a successful Reel, when you should post your Reel, and how to create Reels like a pro. It’s finally time to start brainstorming Instagram Reels ideas! Whether you have absolutely no idea what kind of Reels to make or you’re already creating Reels for your pet biz on a regular basis, below are some fresh content ideas for you.

1. Educational Content

Many Instagram users watch Reels to learn. Share some valuable information with your audience relative to your niche. Maybe you have a blog about enrichment ideas for dogs. Create a Reel about the importance and benefits of dog enrichment, or share about your favorite enrichment activities.

One of the best ways to generate an educational content idea list is to look at the content on your website. Repurpose those blog articles into an educational Reel to get more mileage out of the work you’ve already done.

2. Behind-the-Scenes (BTS)

Everyone likes a behind-the-scenes look! Got a pet product business? Take some clips of your product in production or being packaged up for shipment. These kinds of BTS looks give customers a different perspective about what you do, helping them to feel more connected.

3. Before and After

Before and After videos are always fun! If you’re a pet product biz, you could show the materials used to create your product, followed by a clip demonstrating the finished product.

If you’re a pet content creator or blogger, you could share product reviews or features using before and after clips. For example, you could first show your cat bored and sleepy, then a clip of your cat playing wildly with their favorite toy.

4. User-Generated Content (UGC)

Using content created by your audience or customers is a great way to lessen your workload. No filming on your part is required!

Do you have members of your community you could feature? Or maybe you have a pet product biz. You could ask for your customers to submit video clips of them using your product, which you can then compile into a Reel.

5. Bust a myth

Are there a lot of myths or common misconceptions that float around in your community or niche? Create a Reel that busts those myths while also sharing a piece of TRUE advice.

One example of this that could apply to cat content creators would be to bust the myth that cats don’t require much environmental enrichment. Explain why that’s not true and offer up a piece of alternative advice.

6. Share 3 Tips

Showcase your expertise on a topic by sharing 3 related tips with your audience. For example, if you write about snakes, you could share 3 tips for creating the ultimate snake habitat. Keep these tips short and sweet so they are easily actionable.

7. Tutorial

As we mentioned, many Reels watchers come to learn. Film a tutorial for them – show them how to do something! You could share easy steps to complete a pet-related DIY project or pet treat recipe.

8. Product Showcase

Sell physical products? Highlight them in a showcase Reel. You can easily use videos or photos for this.

9. Result/Transformation

We all love to watch those heartwarming animal videos from The Dodo. You know the ones I’m talking about… where a dog or cat was rescued from some horrendous situation, and they eventually find their forever home and transform into a seemingly completely different animal thanks to the love and care they finally receive.

Those videos draw us in because we get to see a huge, miraculous transformation. If you work in animal rescue, you could easily replicate this formula for your Reels. Even if you aren’t, you could still apply the transformation formula to your niche.

Are you a trainer? Share about a client you’ve helped with a behavioral issue who has gone through a big transformation!


We included a couple Reel examples using the above content ideas, but they could all truly be applied in some way to ANY pet biz niche. Get those creative juices flowing and see what you can come up with!

We’ve covered a lot of ground for you, so hopefully, you are feeling well-equipped to get out there and create those Reels! Remember, they are the best way to both connect with your current audience AND reach new audiences on Instagram.

Though they may seem like a lot of work or something like you don’t feel ready to take on, we promise you’ll feel more comfortable creating Reels the more you do it. As with anything, it takes practice. The more you do it, the better you’ll get, the faster you’ll get, and the more you’ll grow!

How often do you create Reels on Instagram? Do you have any other tips for coming up with Reels content ideas?


About the Author: Emily is the Director of Marketing and Community here at BlogPaws. She is also an online content creator and writer for her own site, KittyCatGO, as well as for Cat School. Emily is “mom” to 7 cats, 1 dog, and 2 sugar gliders. When she isn’t writing, playing music, or crocheting, Emily and her husband enjoy hiking, road-tripping, camping, and canoeing together with their 3 cat adventurers.

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