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Last 2013 Round Up And A New Year’s Eve #BlogPawsChat

Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess

Wow, where does the time go? This is our last 2013 Round Up; I couldn’t believe it when I looked at my calendar and realized this will be the last Saturday of 2013!  With 2013 fast coming to a close, that means that BlogPaws 2014 in Las Vegas is fast approaching! Have you made your plans to attend BlogPaws 2014 or our New Year’s Eve #BlogPawsChat? Have you sat down and taken some time to look at what your blogging efforts reaped last year?

Do you have plans you’d like to implement for your blog in the coming weeks and months of the new year? Networking, learning, psychic pet crystal ball and having the ability to interact face-to-face with other pet lovers, pet parents, and sponsors are opportunities that are priceless when it comes to growing your readership, honing your talents, and meeting with potential blog partners or individuals willing to pay you if you forge a working relationship.

As we wrapped up the last full week of 2013, we brought you — in case you haven’t seen it — our new website. Take some time, look around and see what we have to offer. Don’t forget to put, “Join the BlogPaws Community” on your list of resolutions or intentions for the new year. Add, “Join the Pet Blogger Network” if you’re looking for an opportunity to work with brands, review items and have an opportunity to earn revenue for your blogging efforts.

Settle in, get your cat off the keyboard and read the BlogPaws Last Round Up of 2013:

  • New evidence has apparently shown that Pets as Holiday Gifts are not always a bad idea — as long as the recipient is ready for the responsibility. Read about what the study said here.
  • BlogPaws’ PR Manager regaled us with a BlogPaws Night Before Christmas poem.
  • Wordless Wednesday was a Christmas Day plethora of adorable pets.
  • Do we have a crystal ball in which we can predict the pet blogging trends for the upcoming year? Not really, but we do know what the trends are because we have our paws and ears to the ground in the pet blogging and social media industry and we’re always interacting with pet brands. Check out what we think the blogging trends will be.
  • Our CEO, Yvonne DiVita, urged pet bloggers to “think strategically for 2014.” Find ways to monetize your blog. Determine what you want from your pet blogging efforts then take steps to make them happen.

What better way to end 2013 and welcome in 2014 than with a #BlogPawsChat? Yes, we will be chatting on New Year’s Eve (December 31) from 8 to 10 pm EST. We will also be giving away thousands of dollars in prizes from #PetBox. Join us on Twitter and use the hashtag #BlogPawsChat, pawty along and win prizes.

Do you have any pet blogging resolutions or intentions or plans you want to put into place for 2014? Let us know.

(Pet Psychic photo from Shutterstock)

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