How to Set Blogging Goals for the New Year: The Ultimate Roundup

With very little left of 2017, it’s time to turn our sights onto success in 2018!

What are your big dreams for the new year? What do you plan to accomplish between now and this time next year?

If you’re feeling stumped, or simply aren’t sure where to start, today we’ve compiled for you the ultimate roundup of posts that cover how to set blogging goals for the new year. Whether you’re trying to do more in less time, make strides in improving your blog BTS, or grow your online presence, we have the tips for you:

How to Set Blogging Goals for the New Year_ The Ultimate Roundup

Time Management

If your goal is to manage your time better so that you can do more and do it more effectively, check out:

Quick Wins

Want to gain a lot of blogging ground in a short amount of time? Use your long weekend to accomplish some forward planning and some quick wins with these posts:

Grow Your Presence

Build your following! One of the most important things you can do to turn your blog into a thriving business is to build your audience. This comes from creating authentic content consistently and implementing strategies for growth. Here are tips to achieve both:

Learn More

Last year, we covered Goal Setting to End the Year Strong. While the post is dated 2016, the action items are timeless.

Same thing with this year: We tackled 2017 Blogging Resolutions: Plan and Blog Even if You Don’t Have Time. While the post was for this year, the tips and strategies are relevant for any year.

Your Turn!

What goals are you aiming for in 2018? How to you plan to achieve them? What support can we at BlogPaws offer you in the year ahead?

Maggie Marton serves as the BlogPaws senior editor. When not hiking with her two pit mixes, Emmett and Cooper, or playing with Newt the Cat, Maggie writes about them (and the pet industry) at and

Image: ArthurStock/

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