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Catching Up With BlogPaws

Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess

Yet another week has passed and we are moving ever closer to the BlogPaws 2014 conference in Lake Las Vegas. As we do every week offer you a round up of what happened, and what you might have missed while you were busy with work, play, family and pets. We are always on the look out for blog post topics that resonate with our pet-loving and pet-blogging readers and welcome your suggestions!

The BlogPaws Community

In addition to it having been a busy week on the blog, we have also been jumping in the BlogPaws Community; conversations, shutterstock_162124604 (2)newbie dialogues, Pet Influencer Surveys and a social media challenge for each participant to gain 100 Twitter followers before the month ends. This is also our last week of Getting Fit With Your Pet Month and the photo contest will be wrapping up. In February we move into Spoil Your Pet Month — stay tuned for more information.

Website Tech and Readability 

BlogPaws Community Member Jenny Lewis shared the first of a series of articles on how to make your pet blog web accessible. Is your blog easy to read? Part 2 will be available on Monday so check back.

What do you need to know about WordPress? We have a blog post about it and we are also going to have speakers at the conference that will share more in depth information.

Getting Fit With Your Pet

Wordless Wednesday highlighted teaching our pets new tricks as part of Getting Fit With Your Pet Month.

Pet Travel Tips

Will you be making a road trip with your pets when you come to BlogPaws 2014 in May? This post offers pet-friendly travel tips.

Pet Blogging Goals 

Resolutions, to-dos, bucket list items. What do you have that you want to accomplish this year on your pet blog or in your pet blogging business? In other words, what can you fill your bucket with?

What do you and your pet have planned for the weekend? It’s another frigid one forecast here in NY, so Henrietta the Diva Poodle, and Calico Lucy and I will be curling up on the couch, watching movies and planning for the week ahead!

(Photo Shutterstock: Tufted Titmouse in Winter)

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