2017 Year in Review: The Best of Pet Blogging

As 2017 comes to a close, we decided to take a look back and see which posts were the most popular this year.

Pet bloggers: This is a great exercise to end the year, and it helps to have the list on hand when you’re planning your 2018 editorial calendar!

2017 Year in Review_ The Best of Pet Blogging

Join us as we look back over the past year at BlogPaws:

  1. How to Start an Instgram Account for Your Pet
  2. 2017 Trends in the Pet Industry: Look for our 2018 predictions to come around Global Pet Expo!
  3. Deciphering the Mystery of Twitter Impressions and Reach 
  4. A Year of Pet-Related Holidays and Themes to Blog About: While that covered 2017, we DO have the 2018 version of pet holidays and themes for your editorial calendar!
  5. 10 Pet-Related Twitter Hashtag Tips
  6. Quick and Useful List of Pet Blog Starter Ideas: This is from 2014! While it shows the value of evergreen content, I think we need a refresh on this topic for 2018!
  7. How to Get More Followers on Instagram
  8. What is the Instagram Showban and Are You Affected?
  9. 10 Tips to Create an Instagram Editorial Calendar
  10. And the post that broke the Internet: Chloe DiVita’s big news!

Want to complete a similar exercise for yourself?

It’s a helpful exercise to see what worked for you and your audience–and what didn’t. Then, you can apply the lessons learned to your 2018 planning. Here’s how to conduct your own year in review:

  1. Open Google Analytics.
  2. On the left-hand menu, click on Behavior.
  3. Click Site Content to open the dropdown menu, and select All Pages.
  4. Once there, be sure to change the date range to January 1, 2017 through today’s date.

Helpful hint: Keep the list in a spreadsheet so you can refer to it year over year.

Your turn!

What was your most popular post in 2017? Share it in the comments! How are you planning for 2018?

Maggie Marton serves as the BlogPaws senior editor. When not hiking with her two pit mixes, Emmett and Cooper, or playing with Newt the Cat, Maggie writes about them (and the pet industry) at ohmydogblog.com and maggiemarton.com

Image: ArthurStock/Shutterstock.com

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