11 Pet Business Growth Activities When You’re In A Lull
Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess
Okay. Okay. Maybe that headline made you laugh because you’re wondering “what is a lull and when will I experience one!” Believe me, I know it does seem as though when you’re balancing work, life, your pet blogging business and snuggling your pets, there is no such thing as a lull! I do find, however, that around the holidays — which as television commercials keep pointing out — are just around the corner, you might actually have room to breathe.
When you’re in that “breathing space” mode, you don’t want to let your business activities drop off. Unfortunately in the ever changing world of pet blogging you can be left in the dust by your competition if you’re not prospecting or reaching out and strengthening the relationships you currently have.
Here are my 11 best pet business growth activities you can undertake when you’re in a lull:
- Send a handwritten note or card to your clients. Thank them for being your clients and wish them the best! In today’s electronic world, a handwritten missive is rare and sending one will set you apart.
- Take a class. Attend a conference. Get out of the house and network with like-minded individuals.
- Write your actual pet blogging business plan. Okay, 2014 got away from you, but 2015 is right around the corner so why not start the year off right!
- Revamp your website. Has what yo do changed from when you started your site? Make those changes known. Have you earned certifications or a degree? Add that. Amp up your About Me page.
- Ask current clients for testimonials that you can put on your webpages or on your social media pages. If you don’t ask, you won’t know if you’ll receive one!
- Write an editorial calendar. Make sure in your calendar that you make space to note what you will write about and share on your social media pages. The time you spend now on your editorial calendar will be a time saver when you sit down to write your blog posts later.
- Pick up a new business book — one that will help enhance an area of your business you’ve been meaning to enhance. While you’re at it pick up a piece of fiction you’ve been meaning to read. As business owners, we need to step back and either spend
time relaxing (with a book, perhaps) or we need to be continually learning and what better way then by delving into a book?
- Put together a financial plan to save for conference attendance in 2015, upgrade or replace your current computer, invest in a more comfortable office chair or desk. Determine what you need/want to buy then start budgeting for it. Don’t forget to budget for your 2015 marketing goals as well.
- Write down your business goals and the steps you will take to meet them. Attach timelines and be ready to add these goals and tasks to your daily to-d0s.
- Find an accountability or a collaboration partner. Is there some new area you’ve been hoping to expand into? If so, put those plans in place before the new year arrives. Find someone with whom you have complementary products or services and start a partnership. It’s a great way for both of you to expand your circles of influence and grow your business.
- Take time to make some short — three to five minute — videos in your area of expertise that you can add to your website in place of a blog post or to begin building a video library that you could potentially offer as a membership perk if someone wants to work with you.
This is short and to the point so that you can take advantage of this slow time in your business to implement one or more of them!
PS Stay tuned for 11 more… coming soon!
(Photo Shutterstock: Dog on a typewriter)
(Photo Shutterstock: Cat paw escape)