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Blog Hop: Social Media Hot Tips for 2018

It’s the year to own your destiny. Heck, if you need even another reason, how about this: YOLO! You only live once, so why not make the next 365 days the best ones to come?  If you are on social media, then here are a bevvy of hot tips for 2018. Buckle up because some of these may surprise you and others, of course, you’ve seen them coming.


Video, Video and More Video

Fact: Forbes says, “Nearly half of businesses are already implementing social videos, with another 26 percent planning to implement in 2018.”

BlogPaws Hot Tip: Know how and why you are producing videos for social media, if they make sense for you, and invest in the right equipment to make them happen. (Note: the investment need not be large scale).  Are you making these social media video mistakes?

Robots Are Taking Over – AI Style

Fact: Artificial intelligence will tell you which media ads in which variation perform the best. Forbes says that users can automate campaigns so that your best-performing posts boost to the biggest audience.

BlogPaws Hot Tip: You will still need to spend on much of social media in order to seek the desired results. Automation is here. Here’s why you should consider Facebook advertising.

The Rise of Instagram Stories

Fact: Instagram Stories will continue its upward ascent across the social media landscape. Consider that an account with 10,000 followers or more can also add links to their stories.

BlogPaws Hot Tip: If you follow this blog or do a search of this blog for “Instagram” or “Instagram Stories,” you will note we were ahead of this trend as it becomes a permanent part of social media domination. Here are some Advanced Tips To Drive Blog Traffic Using Instagram Stories.

Virtual and Augmented Reality Comes to Social Media

Fact: The folks at ImpactBND share, “While augmented reality’s initial impact will be on mobile gaming, it is likely that social media platforms will find more ways to incorporate the new technology as well.”  They share that Facebook, has been working on a project called Spaces that is designed to allow friends to connect in virtual reality.

BlogPaws Hot Tip: This truly gives new meaning to “face to face” and that’s a cue to snag your BlogPaws 2018 Conference ticket now.

Influencer Marketing Plants Its Flag

Fact: According to Entrepreneur.com, “Companies like North Face, Hubspot and Rolex use social media–based influencer marketing strategies to connect with new audiences and improve engagement with existing audiences.”

BlogPaws Hot Tip: BlogPaws has long been ahead of this trends and envisions influencer marketing to finally gain the respect it so rightfully deserves.

The Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop

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Image:  garetsworkshop / Shutterstock


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