#Palgives at BlogPaws 2013 – An Update

The hustle and bustle of the 2013 BlogPaws conference three months ago is still ringing in our ears. The learning, the networking, the laughter, the sponsors, the swag and all the friendly faces – both furry and not! We love knowing the conference vibe carries on when we read updates like the one shared by Carma Poodale this morning.

Carma and Logo

Carma Poodle Proudly Showing The Owensboro Humane Society info

Carma's sister, Sarah Eli Allen, won one of two prizes from sponsor, Pets Add Life (Pal). Pal awarded two $500 prizes for tweeting with the #palgives hashtag during the conference. The winners got to choose a shelter of choice to donate the $500.

Sarah tweeted away and found out she won following Saturday evening's Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media awards ceremony. She looked so excited to hear her name called and to come on stage to get her very large check! Sarah and Carma's Ma, Bunny, looked so excited too! Pal even sent the check home to them so Sarah could present it to her shelter, the Owensboro Humane Society.

Sarah, Carma and their Ma all volunteer and support the Owenboro Humane Society and they knew they could do amazing things with $500. Once the check was received they deployed Operation "Life Saver", which is what they call their missions to rescue pets from City shelters.

PAL-logoSarah's win from Pal allowed them to rescue three lives. Three dogs were pulled from a City shelter two hours away and brought to Owensboro Humane Society. It's amazing and BlogPaws is happy to be a part of it.

Please hop on over to Carma's blog and read the full story. Leave her a comment and tell her how pawsome her and her family are. This prize was a true gift for them, but they volunteer and do everything they can for animals every day of their lives. They live Be The Change For Pets.

Thank you to Pal for making this rescue possible. And a HUGE thank you to Sarah and Carma and Bunny. You are changing and savings pet's lives. You all ROCK! 

Owenboro Humane Society Receives Pal Check

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