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Introducing Our International Ambassador: Marjorie Dawson!

I had a great chat the other day with Marjorie Dawson from Dash Kitten. Marjorie was chosen as the 2016 BlogPaws International Ambassador and our video will help introduce her to you, below.

First, let me tell you a little bit about our Ambassadors and about why we decided to include an International representative this year.

Our at-home Ambassadors, if you will, Elizabeth Keene, Deb Barnes, and Amanda Yantos, were featured previously on the blog and I invite you to visit the posts about them if you have a chance! They are part of a long line, well… long might be stretching it a bit… but a good line of bloggers that have graced our conferences with both their presence, their wit, their attention, and their help. We work with the Ambassadors from January to June, to help them as they move about the web promoting and sharing all things BlogPaws, which includes chats and other things we do, not only the conference.

This year, we thought about the fact that BlogPaws is actually International. We have bloggers in our community from many English-speaking countries, and we accept N2N entries for the awards from English-speaking countries (there is a boatload of reasons why we are as of yet unable to include non-English-speaking countries), so it seemed like a good idea to think about having an Ambassador from another country, as part of our group of Ambassadors. As we grow, we want all of our community members, from wherever they are, to know we appreciate them.
Marjorie Dawson BlogPaws 2016 Ambassador

Marjorie was recommended by some good friends of hers and after talking it over with the team, I wrote to Marjorie…all the way to New Zealand… to see if she’d be interested in joining Elizabeth, Amanda, and Deb. And she said she would. Yes, I’m joking about “all the way to New Zealand”… I write to her via email so…it just zipped across the web and ended up in her email box the next day. Or, maybe it was the day before. I still don’t know what time zone Marjorie is in! The good news is she got it and accepted.

Being an International Ambassador tasks Marjorie with promoting our little conference and community to many people who may not have a chance to meet us in person, given they live in countries like the U.K., Switzerland, and Australia. I understand those places are very far away…by car. Even by boat. Maybe even by airplane. Regardless, Marjorie was and is up to the task and her work has helped us meet new people and has helped new people meet us.

It doesn’t get better than that. I am so happy to know Marjorie will be at BlogPaws in Phoenix in June. I think you should be there, too. Hop over and get registered right now! Oh…what? You’re already registered? Awesome! Now, register a friend… go on. Tell them Marjorie sent you.

Enjoy our little interview below, introducing our International Ambassador Marjorie Dawson:

Yvonne DiVita is a Co-Founder of BlogPaws. She is dedicated to storytelling and the human-animal bond. When not working on BlogPaws, she writes at Scratchings and Sniffings and The Lipsticking Society. You may contact her at Yvonne@blogpaws.com .

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