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Focus Friday

175px-Dilbert_time_wasting_morons_bookby Yvonne DiVita

It's Friday. It's also the start of a long weekend. We're all ready for that, right? But, before you take off early today, I have one question: What are you focused on?

It's not a trick question. It's a simple question. We hear from our members regularly that they want to succeed in business. Sometimes that business is raising funds for a shelter or rescue. Sometimes that business is writing for pay. Or, becoming more involved in a career around blog content – sharing your experience or expertise via your blog, and being paid for it. Sometimes that business is a day-to-day focus on bringing attention to BSL or other pet issues that are important to you.

Whatever your business is, my question is: What are you focused on, today? <<< The blogger at this link says, “Think about what you want, not what you don’t want.”

Every single day should be a focus on a part of your life and your business that moves if forward. Remember – if you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten. In other words, change is imperative. Change comes when you have a focus. A focus on what needs to be done. A focus on how to move forward and stop doing the same old thing, again and again, unless those things are bringing you success.

Here's where my focus is: today, and for part of this weekend, I'm going to write. I'm going to write and
create and develop – product for sale. It's going to be offered in our community, soon. If you're a member, great! If you're not a member, I hope you'll consider becoming a member. We'll have lots of new content and opportunities via the community, soon!

Now – what are you going to focus on? Here are some ideas to get you going:

1. Create a week of blog posts ahead of time, which will free you to take care of other business during the coming week.

2. Read a book – yes, reading counts. If you need better management skills, be organizational skills, better business insight, find a good book and read. Mark passages, take notes, and do the work involved.

3. Create a list of possible 'clients' or contacts. Use LinkedIn. Use Google. Use your existing contacts (most people are happy to introduce you to someone, if you ask politely and state why you would like the introduction). Use this to make your next focused task: deciding how to contact those people.

Now…go produce. 

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  1. This is something I hadn’t really thought of before. Currently I am focused on finding a job but my weekend goal is to try and work out how I can make money from my blog.

  2. OOOH stellar post! And a great reminder. Don’t overwhelm but focus and produce – yes!
    My goal: Write, plan, and go to my dog’s 4th birthday party on Long Island. Then develop my schedule for next week and help escalate BlogPaws to the force it has become!

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