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How To Prep Your Blog for a Blogger Conference #BoostYourBlog10K

Can you believe the 2016 BlogPaws Conference is next month?! As part of the #BoostYourBlog10K challenge, we are providing you with a FREE workbook to help you prep your blog for the BlogPaws conference. Even if you can’t attend this year’s conference, the workbook will still be of value to help you grow your blog.

How To Prep Your Blog for a Blogger Conference #BoostYourBlog10K

Why Is It Important to Prep Your Blog for a Conference like BlogPaws?

At a blogger conference like BlogPaws, you are going to be networking with tons of other bloggers and brands. You only get one chance to make a great first impression! As you are networking and passing out business cards, you are going to get new visitors to your blog and social media channels. You want to make sure everything is on point!  This is a great time to clean up your navigation, about page, social media channels, and work on boosting your content to get your page views up.

You’ll also be in conversations with brands and you’ll want to know what your stats are in case the question comes up.

How To Download the Free Workbook

The workbook is broken up into four sections:

  1. Boost Your Page Views
  2. Boost Your Blog Design
  3. Boost Your Social Media
  4. Boost Your Offline Brand

Each section will provide you with information, tips, and challenges to prepare your blog for the conference. Download your free workbook here. 

Free Workbook! How To Prep Your Blog for a Blogger Conference #BoostYourBlog10K

How To Get Daily Encouragement From the Community

The workbook is a great starting place but we know that being part of a community fosters learning on a whole new level. In the true spirit of our Social Learning Community, we’ll be posting daily tips and encouragement based on the challenges in the workbook.

You must be a member of the BlogPaws Community and member of the Influencer Group. You’ll also want to join our SLC Facebook group where we’ll be posting daily tips to help you along with the challenges!

Goal of the Boost Your Blog 10K Challenge

Our goal is to help everyone in the BlogPaws Influencer Network grow their page views to 10,000 views per month by the time of the conference in June 2016. If you’re already getting 10,000+ page views/month, congrats! You can strive to add another 10,000!

To recap what we’ve covered so far this year, check out these blog posts for more information. It’s never too late to go back and revisit the challenges!

Get Social

We want to get social with you! Invite your friends to join the Boost Your Blog 10K challenge, share tips, and ask questions on social using the hashtag #BoostYourBlog10K.

Aimee Beltran is the Director of Community Education for BlogPaws. She also writes two blogs, Irresistible Icing and Irresistible Pets with her Chihuahua, Chuy. Aimee is passionate about her mission, “create an irresistible life you can’t resist!” She loves anything with glitter, kayaking, and spending time at the beach.

Images: Solis Images/Shutterstock.com

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