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Creative Ways to Use Instagram Stories to Increase Blog Traffic

Instagram Stories has taken a stronghold in the digital influencer space. TechCrunch says, “Instagram Stories now has 250 million daily active users, up from 200 million in April, 150 million in January, and 100 million in October after launching the Snapchat Stories clone in August.”

Instagram Stories is the here and now, and showing no signs of slow down. Bloggers rejoice, Instagram Stories can be used to increase blog traffic and mark your spot in the ever-changing online landscape. Here are 8 creative ways to use Instagram Stories to increase blog traffic:

Creative Ways to Use Instagram Stories to Increase Blog Traffic

Add Your Live Video Replay to IG Stories

What: Effective June 20, you can tap share after a live video and add your IG live video to your Instagram Stories feed for 24 hours (or toggle and discard).

Why: Get creative and promote a blog post, showcase a live element, show your readers what the post is about, let’s see your cat/dog/ferret/horse. Mention a Call To Action like “visit my post at the link in my bio.”

Tag a Brand (Or Anyone Else)

What: Create a story with video or stills (or both) and actually tag other accounts! Head on up to the text tool, start typing with the @ tag and give shout outs to other folks.

Why: Brands love it, followers rejoice in it, and it’s good social media practice to be “social!”

Test Run Something

What: Instagram Stories has stats of sorts available with a swipe. Want to see who saw your story? Open the story, swipe up, and Instagram shows the names of people who viewed it along with the total number of views.

Why: How amazingly cool is it to test a blog post concept, tease something out exclusive to Instagram followers, and see what works and what doesn’t? For. Free. For. Real.

Link Back to Your Blog Post

What: Upload a video or image to your Instagram Stories and click the link icon in the upper right corner of the screen. Insert your link.

Why: Visual lovers on IG Stories will convert to your blog to read your amazingly fabulous content. Don’t forget the call to action: A link is great, but if someone doesn’t know a link is embedded, it’s like wagging into the wind. Here’s an example:

organic blog content feel

Seize the Day (Literally)

What: Use Instagram Stories stickers to make your calendar mark. Do you celebrate Wag Wednesday? Freebie Friday? Talk Back Tuesday?

Why: People love stickers. Select a sticker for different days of the week, link to your latest blog post, and let the good times and traffic roll your way.

Instagram Stickers

Get Found, Geostickers Style

What: Geostickers tell people where you are. Check in and make your mark. Instagram Stories allows users to add as many stickers as desired to their images or videos.

Why: Want to gather people locally to get to know your blog? Have an event coming up? Working with a shelter on a fundraiser? Get local and get sticking!

Be the Bubble

What: I am a thought bubble fan. I love seeing thought bubbles on images, and you can make your own using Instagram Stories pen tip. Use a large pen to draw the “bubble” and then smaller dots with a smaller tipped pen to lead up to the bubble!

Why: A cute pic of your pet saying, “What I Am Doing Today,” or put an emoji or sticker in the thought bubble, link to a post, and have a fun but clear, concise call to action.

Instagram Stories creative tips

Craft a Framed Story With a Teaser

What: Break a blog post down into smaller sections, tease it out in frames on Instagram Stories, and instruct followers to visit your blog post for a step by step of how you did what you did.

Why: Are you a DIY blogger? Do you ever blog about pet food? Why not infuse the two concepts into your next blog post. Here’s a freebie idea bank:

  • DIY dog bowl to freshen up Fido’s food
  • Cat toy on a shoestring budget
  • $20 to design an aquarium that looks like a million bucks

Each frame of the story shows a different element of the project. The last frame sends followers to your blog post so you can show them how it’s done.

Don’t get hung up on DIY if that’s not your thing: These are examples you can use to stir creativity in your own storyboarding. Follow BlogPaws on Instagram, too!

Feel creative? Want to be inspired? Click on over to these Instagram Stories helpful posts:

How Bloggers Can Use Instagram Stories for Success

10 Tips to To Create an Instagram Editorial Calendar

How are you using Instagram Stories in your online strategy as a pet influencer?

Images: Javier Brosch and  KPG_Payless / Shutterstock

Carol Bryant is the Marketing and Social Media Manager for BlogPaws and runs her own dog blog, Fidose of Reality and its fundraising arm, Wigglebutt Warriors. When not busy playing with her Cocker Spaniel, Dexter, she stays far away from cooking. Her trademark is her mantra and is tattooed on her arm: My Heart Beats Dog.®

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