BlogPaws: Good, Bad, and Everything Else with Chloe DiVita
Many of you know her as Chloe… that’s C.H.L.O.  no e. Do not say the e. Seriously. It’s not ChloE… other women and girls might pronounce it. As her mother, I chose when she was born to call her CHLO… and we would both like it if you would practice that. 🙂  (yes, that’s her in the balloon hat… long story… I share this so you can see her name tag; Mia Voss is a friend from Colorado – the three of us were at a networking event when this was taken)
I share this story of her name, and encourage you to watch the video below where she is interviewed by the incomparable Robert Semrow of Pet World Insider, because she is so front and center at the conference, it’s a win-win for everyone if they know (a) who she is – COE aka Chief of Everything, and (b) how to say her name.
As we move into March, life at the home office ramps up big time. The conference is a little later than usual this year, but even given those few extra weeks does not mean we can take it easy. There is a ton of activity and preparation, from talking with would-be sponsors and exhibitors, to preparing for opening events, to preparing opening remarks and closing remarks and greeting attendees, and checking on which pets are coming and what the speakers need and trying to prepare for any strange weather (hurricanes, we had one of those once!), to making sure we are sharing the content our community needs, on a daily basis.
As we move further into the year, we will be sharing videos and tips and tricks from Carol, myself, Maggie, and a growing group of folks who are oldies but goodies. These are folks who have been to more than two conferences.
You will hear from our AMAZING Ambassadors, also! (I cannot wait to do their videos! Remember, this is our 1st year with an International Ambassador!)
You will hear from a good many of our speakers. They love to talk, of course. And, a boatload of them love to do video. You will see!
You will hear from folks at CWA (Cat Writer’s Association) because we are giving loud MEOWS about partnering with them this year!
You will learn how to “be” at the conference and get the best results for your efforts.
You will have a chance to share your input and thoughts via online channels – where tons of our community hangs out, and if you’ve interest in being in a video interview, write to me and tell me why. yvonne (at) blogpaws (d0t) com. I look forward to hearing from you!
For now, enjoy Chloe’s video below. For newbies, she outlines what we’re about and why it’s important to her to be part of the pet community worldwide. For established pet bloggers and others who write about their pets, she reminds us all why this community is so important!
Yvonne DiVita is a Co-Founder of BlogPaws. She is dedicated to storytelling and the human-animal bond. When not working on BlogPaws, she writes at Scratchings and Sniffings and The Lipsticking Society. You may contact her at .