
25 Things Pet Bloggers Do On Christmas

Post by Aimee Beltran, Director of Community Education

Merry Christmas from the BlogPaws team! We hope that you’re enjoying the day with your friends, family, and pets! To keep with the celebration, today is a fun post that you might relate to. Here are 25 things pet bloggers do on Christmas. Any of these sound familiar?!

25 Things Pet Bloggers Do On Christmas from BlogPaws.com (1)

  1. Write a “Merry Christmas” post on social media along with a cute pic of their pet.
  2. Post a pic on Instagram wearing festive pajamas with a pet (or two) sitting on their lap by the fire.
  3. Take pics of their pets opening tearing open Christmas presents under the tree.
  4. Share videos on YouTube of their pets opening presents and doing cute “Christmas” things.
  5. Fill their pets stockings full of yummy treats and toys.
  6. Make more Christmas themed pet treats than cookies for Santa.
  7. Write a blog post about what their pet got for Christmas.
  8. Tweet with other pet parents to humble brag about all the gifts Santa brought their pet this year.
  9. Live stream their pet playing with their new Christmas presents on Periscope.
  10. Get their pets picture taken with Santa Paws.
  11. Drive around the neighborhood with their pets to look at the lights.
  12. Watch Christmas movies at home in their pajamas all snuggled up with their pets.
  13. Dress their pet up in an “ugly” Christmas sweater.
  14. Vow to learn how to use their camera in manual mode to capture better pics of the twinkle lights on the tree.
  15. Vow to learn how to take fast action pics of their pets running around said tree.
  16. Hope that their loved ones put BlogPaws conference tickets under the tree!
  17. Whip out their phone to “jot down” blog post ideas while at a holiday party. #OnlyPetBloggers
  18. Attend a pet friendly Christmas party and “stage” their pet sitting by the tree a gazillion times until they get the perfect pic!
  19. Brainstorm a list of holiday post ideas they want to write about next year.
  20. Promise to start working on their holiday gift guide by the summer time! The holidays always come out of nowhere!
  21. Secretly can’t wait for their relatives to leave so they can start planning their editorial calendar for 2016.
  22. Ask Santa to find loving homes for all the pets spending their Christmas in a shelter.
  23. Send Christmas cards to all of their friends and family with pics of their pets dressed in their Christmas best.
  24. Leave a plate of pet friendly treats out for Santa Paws on Christmas Eve.
  25. Give their pets extra hugs and kisses on Christmas Day . . .and take lots of pics to prove it! I mean, pics or it didn’t happen, right?!

Does any of this ring a bell for you? Leave us a comment and tell us how you’re celebrating Christmas with your pets.

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