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You Started a Blog and Now What

Jodi stoneWho amongst us hasn't felt that way? You start a blog, know that you have a passion and/or desire to write about pets in some capacity, but where to start? The way social media changes, is it any wonder so many o us just don't know how or where to start?

Jodi Stone does.

Jodi is a blogger who has been there, done that, and is coming to the BlogPaws 2013 Conference to show others where to get started and things that worked for here. Here's the inside scoop with Jodi:

BlogPaws: Hey Jodi, welcome aboard. This is your very first BlogPaws Conference. Exciting times! What will you be speaking to the group about?

Jodi Stone: I'm going to talk to new bloggers about what
types of tools and resources are available to them, to help them grow their
blog and be successful.

BlogPaws: What aspect are you looking forward to at BlogPaws?

Jodi: I'm super excited to have the
opportunity to share my knowledge with other bloggers, to meet potential
sponsors and learn how other bloggers are working their craft.  Of course,
I'm beyond excited to meet my blogging mates.

BlogPaws: Do you have any pets?

Jodi:  No, I don't have pets.  I have companions I
share my life with, they just happen to be canine.  Sampson is a Golden
Lab and will be nine-years old in July, he is my heart dog and the whole reason
I'm on the journey that I'm currently on.  He has been my faithful and
loving companion from the time he was eight weeks old. 

Delilah is my other canine companion, she will be eight-years old in
December.   Delilah is a pure Chocolate Lab, she came to us via
American Lab Rescue when she was approximately 18-months old.  We have no
idea of her background, just that she was at a high kill shelter.  I call
her my second-hand rose, because I can't believe someone tossed this beauty

Sampson Peeking
BlogPaws: Where can people learn about you?

Jodi: The blog I post to regularly is
called, "Heart Like a Dog" (www.heartlikeadog.com) I also have a blog for Sampson (www.alongcamesampson.com
I'm on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/HeartLikeADog,
twitter @Heartlikeadog on Pinterest: Heart Like a Dog

BlogPaws: What is something people would be surprised to know?

Jodi: If I'd had the
opportunity, I would have liked to been an actress.

What is one website you visit daily?: 

Jodi: That would probably have to be facebook, I
generally check in there at least once a day.  If I don't I might miss the
announcement that one of my children got married, or someone's pregnant. (No,
I'm not kidding!)

We are sold out for this year's conference. For those lucky folks who are coming to BlogPaws, check out Jodi Stone's session on Saturday, May 18th, from 2 to 3 pm. See you there!


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