Unique Selling Propositions for Influencers

Yes, you love blogging and social media. It’s fun; you love to write, and readers love to read what you’ve written. But have you thought about what sets you apart from other bloggers? And, more importantly, what is your long-term vision for your blog?

What Do You Want Your Blog to Achieve?

It’s likely that you’ll want your blog to get:

  • More likes, shares, and comments
  • A larger audience that feels that you’ve written specifically to them

To be able to do the above, you have to be influential. The simplest way to become influential is to have a strong, unique selling proposition (USP). You’ll be credible and trustworthy, and readers will remember and like you. They’ll look forward to reading your blogs.

Unique Selling Propositions for Influencers

What Is a Unique Selling Proposition or Point?

A unique selling proposition (or point) is the one thing that you have that no one else in your field has. It needs to be different, exciting, and memorable.

Your Passion Is Influential

You blog for a purpose: You have a genuine interest in and passion for a subject. And, you want to influence and engage people who share your passion.

Understand Yourself

To be a great influencer, you need to understand yourself. Do you know what your strengths and opportunities are? Are you a risk taker, or more cautious?  Are you confident, or nervous? Are you loud or quiet?

You can use your uniqueness to influence your readers. Some examples:

  • You have a particular, professional tone of voice that sets you apart from others. Use this to your advantage, and it will pay dividends.
  • You could be friendly, personable, and approachable. Nowadays, lots of people on social media prefer informal styles of communication, which can be beneficial to you.
  • Alternatively, you could be a great listener and promote the fact that not everyone has the same opinions. You could set up a comments page on your blog and ask others to leave feedback and add their thoughts and ideas.

Keep It Simple

Your unique selling point doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, the simpler and easier it is to recognise, the better. Decide what your unique selling proposition is and stick to it.

The Benefits of a Unique Selling Proposition

If you have a strong, unique selling point, are consistent, and maintain a social media presence then readers’ will develop confidence and trust in you. When you’re trusted, you’ll find it easier to establish and use your influencing skills.

You’ll soon have readers leaving you comments, engaging in your posts, and liking and sharing your content. In the long term, if your vision is to continue to publish great content, your popularity will grow, and so will your audience.

Tell us: What is your unique selling point? How do you stand out from the crowd?

Pam Hickman is a published copywriter who has been content writing for over 30 years. She covers businesses, increasing sales, travel, and lifestyle. In addition to copywriting, Pam helps students who are struggling with English language exams and practices photography in her spare time. 

Image: Africa Studio/Shutterstock.com

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