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The Power of Social Media Simply Explained

social media explained

Establishing your expertise on social media is no easy task these days. Whether you are on social media for yourself, a brand, and/or client, you should have a clearly defined plan for return on investment and return on engagement. This includes, but is not limited to:

Strategy and Tactics: Who, what, when, where and why?
• Who: Internal or external?
• What: Content per platform?
• When: Best times to produce
• Where: Platform choice
• Why: Purpose

When you set goals for social media (and you are goal setting, right?) Are you tracking or measuring sales? Engagement? Reach? All of these? Why?

The bottom line is to measure Measure what you can, track what you can, and don’t stress out about what you can’t!

During the recent Women in the Pet Industry Conference in Portland, Oregon, the women of BlogPaws presented a 60-minute power session on the “Power of Social Media,” with tips, tricks, and insights on some of today’s hottest social media platforms.

Using our Periscope account through Katch.me, we are able to present this session to you for full viewing. Though the audio is rough in spots, you will get the majority of the information with key highlights below.

chloe3:05: Chloe DiVita on Social Media and why it is important: Valuable survey revealed in 2014: Stats you can’t miss: Where consumers go for research

5:20: Hits and Misses on Facebook and when to boost an ad versus use Power Editor with Carol Bryant

App for photo images and quotes: 8:40 with Carol BryantCarol_Bryant

The Power of Twitter: 13:20 with Chloe DiVita: Numbers and reach matter and why

felissaPinterest with Felissa Elfenbein: Are your first two Pinterest boards the ones people are interacting with and why? 20:20

Instagram and not Instaspam: What to avoid and how to become a rock star with Carol Bryant: 25:17

BlogPaws instagram tips

Should I be on every social media network? 32:05

social media power

How to immerse in Periscope: What Chloe DiVita did to learn Periscope: 38:30

How to save your Periscopes for more than 24 hours: 43:05

Robbi and HenBlogging strategies with Robbi Hess: 47:00

blogging tips

Should I be charging a client for my time? 55:30

Do I need updated blog/website content? 1:02

Here is the completed video for your learning experience:

 What platform do you struggle with the most?

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