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The Benefits Of Blogging

Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess

Every once in a while a pet blogger needs to step back and evaluate what he or she is doing and whether there are any benefits to blogging. As someone who has blogged for many, many years I can tell you that, yes, there are benefits to blogging. What are they? Well, they may vary for each individual based on the impact or difference or ultimate goal they’ve set.

Here are my top benefits of blogging. I’d love to know if you agree and if you have other ideas on what they are and how you have benefited from being a pet blogger.

You may earn money. There are bloggers who are earning a living or a side income from blogging. There are myriad ways to do this. Whether you run ads on your site, have paid blogging gigs, are involved in BlogPaws blogging opportunities or if you blog for others there is money to be made if you put forth a focused effort. The money-making aspect of your pet blog should be something you considered when you made your pet blogging business plan.shutterstock_185403017

Share your passion with the world. If you have a blog then you have a space on the Internet on which to share your passions. If you love writing about writing, or blogging about Bulldogs or sharing your thoughts in review format on your favorite household items, your blog is your platform to to just that.

Low-cost marketing. If you’re in the process of kicking off a new career, leaving a long-time job or just want to bring in some money, your blog is a low-cost platform on which to market yourself and share your thoughts. You can connect with influencers through your blogging efforts.

It makes you a better writer. If you have always aspired to be a writer, your blog is an ideal place to refine your writing skills. If you are unsure of your writing skills, ask a trusted friend or colleague to proofread or edit your posts before they go live. You want to build a brand that shows you’re a professional and that means putting forth the best copy possible — sans errors.

Become a go-to problem solver. If you have a particular knowledge and expertise, you can share that on your blog and help solve any problems your readers may be facing. Sharing your expertise on your blog is a great way to show “the world” that you know your stuff!

Blogging helps your time management. What?! You may think that blogging is just another task that you have to fit into your already-busy life. Look at it this way. If you are serious about blogging and want it to be a part of your life, then making time for it, putting it in your to-do list and making it a priority will help you better manage your day. It’s true!shutterstock_320590889

Document your life. Your blog may not be along the lines of a “Dear Diary,” but it will be a place to document your adventures. It is your online journal for what you are doing, where you’ve gone, what you’ve accomplished and what you want to accomplish. Taking a family vacation with your pets? Document it. Learning how to train a new puppy to do a trick? Video it. Working on your business plan and vision board? Blog about it and show it pictorially on your blog to let everyone know how it’s going.

Share the love. If you have a blog you can invite guest bloggers or interview influencers in your industry.  Is there someone you have always wanted to “get to know”? If so, reach out and ask if you can interview that person on your blog. Believe me, they will be flattered at the attention!

Be creative. If you toil away in a non-creative industry in your “real life” your blog can be the space to let your creativity shine.

What have you found to be the benefit of your blogging efforts?

(Photo Shutterstock: Hamster and clock; Writing Notebook)


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