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September Blogging Prompts For Pet Bloggers
Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess
Wow, it’s hard to believe it’s September and in many parts of the country that means summer is winding down, the kids are going back to school and winter is peeking around the corner. In my part of the country — Western New York — we are dealing with high humidity and near record temperatures. I know I shouldn’t complain, but I do!
Now on to the September blogging prompts for pet bloggers… if you need inspiration or something to take away the “blank screen syndrome” here are 30 prompts for the next 30 days:
- It’s AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Month. Blog about what “responsible dog ownership” means to you.
- It’s Be Kind to Writers & Editors’ Month. Blog about how you make sure your writing is public-worthy and how you edit yourself?
- As part of Writers and Editor’s Month, what have you learned about writing as a result of being a pet blogger?
- It’s Happy Cat Month. How do you keep your cats happy? What do your cats do to make you happy?
- It’s National Fruits & Veggies Month. Blog about any special diets your pets may have — raw, gluten free, etc. Blog about the
fruits and vegetables that your pet loves and why you feed them these treats?
- It’s National Pet Memorial Month. Blog about a pet who is no longer in your life. Blog about your last and best memories with a pet who has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. What do you do to memorialize your pets?
- It’s National Service Dog Month. What is a service dog? What training do they need? Interview a service dog trainer.
- As part of National Service Dog Month talk with someone who has a service dog and ask about the benefits their pet brings them. Also ask about any issues that may arise with individuals not understanding the role of the service dog in their life.
- It’s National Preparedness Month. What do you have in place in your home for both your family and your pets in the event of an emergency?
- As part of National Preparedness Month, if you’ve lived through any kind of weather — or other emergency — how well did your prior preparations help you? What would you do differently?
- September 14-20 is National Truck Driver Appreciation Month. Do you know any truck drivers who travel with their pets? Interview them to find out how they cope on the open road.
- September 20-26 is Farm Animal Awareness week. Do you have any pets that would be traditionally considered farm animals? What made you adopt them as pets?
- September 22-28 is National Deaf Dog Awareness Week. Interview someone who owns a deaf dog.
- As part of National Deaf Dog Awareness week, write a blog post about the joys and trials of owning a deaf dog.
- September 5 is Bring Your Manners to Work Day. If you bring your pet to work with you, what have you done to make him or her a good citizen and one that can come to work with you?
- September 7 is Grandparents Day. Write about the benefits of pets on the health and lifestyle of seniors.
- September 10 is Swap Ideas Day. Get together, either in person or virtually, and brainstorm some blogging ideas that you an use to fill your pet blogging editorial calendar for the rest of the year.
- September 13 is National Iguana Awareness Day. Blog about what you need to know when you bring that tiny, cute iguana home (I know from experience that they grow FAST and can become quite a handful!)
- September 14 is National Hug Your Hound Day. Not sure if it is literally only for “hound hugging” or if you can hug any dog! Blog about how your pet shows you affection and how you return it.
- September 16 is Stepfamily Day. Blog about how you may have blended your family of pets with the pets owned by your
significant other. What were the challenges and how did you meet them?
- September 22 is American Business Women’s Day. Blog about how you’ve become being taken seriously as a blogger aka business owner. What resources do you still feel you need to “make it” as a professional pet blogger?
- In keeping with Business Women’s Day, either pull out your business plan and revamp it or get to work on a business plan!
- For many, September means back to school time. Does your pet seem stressed at the changes in the household at back to school time? What can you do to ease his stress and make it an easier transition?
- Blog about the first day you brought your pet home. What was the first night, month like? Sleepless nights?
- Blog about what you want to see happen in your blog in the next three, six or twelve months. I believe in “write it down, make it happen.”
- Reach out to a blogger you admire and interview him or her on your blog.
- Sign up for Google alerts and look through the pet-related topics you see, take a stand on one side or another or offer a solution and blog about it.
- Blog about what your pet will be dressing up as for Halloween and how you choose the costume. Halloween will be here before you know it and your post might inspire someone else!
- Write a blog about why you chose your specific breed of dog or if you’re a cat person or a reptile or pot belly pig person — blog about what drew you to the species and tout its benefits!
- Write a wrap up post of either your favorite posts of the summer, posts on a theme from other pet bloggers that you admire or a round up of business topics for the pet blogger. Make sure you only use a sentence or two and link back to the original bloggers post.
We’d love to know if any of these sparks an idea for a blog post or two. Happy writing!
(Photo: Shutterstock Iguana)
(Photo: Shutterstock Baby Pig)
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