July Blogging Prompts For Dog Days Of Summer
Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess
It’s definitely the dog and cat days of summer — at least in the humid area of Western New York that I live in. It’s a time to lay low, run the fans and air conditioner and just spend quiet time with the pets. What better time to get to your writing, am I right?
With that in mind, here is a month’s worth of prompts to keep you blogging for the entire month of July! Ready. Set. Write:
- Do you make to-do lists for your pet? For example: Make sure Fluffy gets to the groomer; Get 10,000 steps in with Fido every day. Share those with us!
- What tips do you have for keeping your pets safe on the Fourth of July?
- What’s on your summer fun list (I don’t like to think of it as a “bucket list” because that has sad connotations in my mind)
- What is your favorite pet DIY? Share photos, videos and write ups of how you did it and why
- What are your pet’s favorite toys
- Where do you love taking your pet for a walk? Is it a pet park? Is there a trail behind your house? Is there a pet-friendly beach? Show and tell time!
- What are your pet peeves about, well, pets or pet parents. Hint: the term “pet parent” is a peeve for some!
- Write about a day in the life of your cat
- Write about a day in the life of your lizard, ferret or bird
- Do a round up post of posts written by your favorite bloggers and tell us why they rate your list
- Are you a people person or a pet person. Why?
- What is the best advice you’ve ever been given about pets? From whom and what was it? Give them a shout out!
- Do you travel with your pets for family vacations? Give us your best info and lessons learned from those adventures
- July is “National Dog House Repair” month. Does your dog use a dog house? Is it in need of repairs? Do them and blog about it. Does your dog have a crate in the house that he or she loves? Show us pictures and blog about why your pet loves it!
- July 15-21 is Rabbit week. Do you own a rabbit? Tell us why a rabbit is a great pet. If you don’t own one but were considering it, share your reasons and your research
- July 15 is National Pet Fire Safety day. Share the pet fire safety plans you have in place for your home and your pets.
- July 16 is World Snake Day. Are you a snake owner? Blog about what you love about your reptile pet!
- What is your dog or cat’s favorite game and how did you discover that it was?
- Write a blog post about what you did yesterday.
- What are your best being-an-organized-blogger tips?
- Would your pet prefer to be indoors or outdoors and why do you think that is?
- When is the last time you were as exuberant as your pet? Take a day (or at least an hour or two) and live life and embrace living in the moment the way your pet does.
- When is the last time you attended a networking event and had to give an elevator speech? Can’t remember? You’d better spend time crafting that speech… just in case!
- What is your favorite time of the day. Why?
- Does your pet love to dress up? What made you first decide to dress him or her? Share and show some pics!
- Do your pets love to swim? In a pool or a lake or doesn’t the body of water really matter? Blog about it.
- Have you ever camped with your pet? Blog about how it worked or what you’d do differently.
- Use these words in a blog post: SEO, blog post outline, social shares
- What is your absolute favorite pet product and why?
- What would you do if you saw a dog locked in a hot car?
- Blog about your favorite memory of a time shared with friends, family and your pets.
I certainly hope these spark some blog post ideas for you. Feel free to share them in the comments!
(Photo of kitten and puppy out of doors, Shutterstock)