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Is Your Pet Blog a Small Business? Weekend Survey

100_1406Is your blog a small business, a place to share pet info and stories, a little bit of both, or neither? With our 2,000 members, BlogPaws bloggers and microbloggers span the gamut.

With massive amounts of snow blanketing us here in the northeast, BlogPaws knows many of us are at our computers, smartphones, and tablet devices a bit longer this weekend, perhaps? So we toss the following 5 questions over to you. We'll be sharing the replies in a future newsletter to our members. Here we go:

1. How many blogs do you have at present?

2. Would you classify your blog as a small business, a place to share pet info and stories, a little bit of both, or neither?

3. How many times a week do you post?

4. If you could change one thing about your blog, what would it be?

5. What is the link(s) to your blog?




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  1. 1. How many blogs do you have at present? One
    2. Would you classify your blog as a small business, a place to share pet info and stories, a little bit of both, or neither? Place to share reputable pet info
    3. How many times a week do you post? At least daily
    4. If you could change one thing about your blog, what would it be? I’m gradually incorporating it as a small biz
    5. What is the link(s) to your blog? http://Talk2theAnimals.net

  2. 1) I currently have seven blogs (I think) but I’m not active on all of them anymore.
    2) Right now it’s a place to share pet info and stories, but I’d like to make it more of a business where it actually makes money instead of costing money.
    3)I post daily on my main blog and and sporadically on two of the others.
    4)That’s my problem, I’m just not sure what to do with it, which direction I want to go.
    5) http://www.heartlikeadog. com is my main one, http://www.alongcamesampson.com is my secondary one. The others are not pet blogs.

  3. 1. How many blogs do you have at present?
    2. Would you classify your blog as a small business, a place to share pet info and stories, a little bit of both, or neither?
    …a place to share…maybe a business in the future?…
    3. How many times a week do you post?
    4. If you could change one thing about your blog, what would it be?
    …get all the tech problems straightened out; gets moved it to self-hosted and i’m having “issues”…
    5. What is the link(s) to your blog?

  4. 1. How many blogs do you have at present? One (soon to be two)
    2. Would you classify your blog as a small business, a place to share pet info and stories, a little bit of both, or neither? I would classify my blog at a place to share stories and pet info. However, it is a part of my bigger business, PetTalk Media, because it serves as an example of my success.
    3. How many times a week do you post? It varies by time of year. Currently 4.
    4. If you could change one thing about your blog, what would it be? I do wish I had the money to pay a web designer to revamp the look of my blog.
    5. What is the link(s) to your blog?

  5. 1. How many blogs do you have at present?
    Just the one.
    2. Would you classify your blog as a small business, a place to share pet info and stories, a little bit of both, or neither?
    It’s a place to share dog SCIENCE predominately – it’s not about stories or business, but about scientific literature (for the most part – sometimes other things slip in).
    3. How many times a week do you post?
    I post 3-4 times a week (normally every second day).
    4. If you could change one thing about your blog, what would it be?
    A larger audience. 🙁
    5. What is the link(s) to your blog?

  6. I love finding blogs here I never knew about and familiar favorites!
    1. How many blogs do you have at present? FidoseofReality.com and I blog for Pet360, Dogster, and BlogPaws.
    2. Would you classify your blog as a small business, a place to share pet info and stories, a little bit of both, or neither? Both
    3. How many times a week do you post? 5-7 on mine, several times a week for others
    4. If you could change one thing about your blog, what would it be? New design (in the planning now with my tech guru!)
    5. What is the link(s) to your blog? http://www.fidoseofreality.com

  7. 1. How many blogs do you have at present?
    2 – one is the pet blog and one is for the local farm market we participate in (and manage)
    2. Would you classify your blog as a small business, a place to share pet info and stories, a little bit of both, or neither?
    The pet blog, I would like to, the farm market blog, definately
    3. How many times a week do you post?
    The pet blog, 3-7 times per week, depending on the amount of time I have.
    The farm market blog, twice a week during operating season
    4. If you could change one thing about your blog, what would it be?
    I would not change my blogs, I’d like to have more time to explore and post about relevent information
    5. What is the link(s) to your blog?

  8. 1. How many blogs do you have at present? I just have the one, but my human has several, ranging from old and outdated (her fitness blog) to current (her photo blog) to just starting up (her publishing website and blog).
    2. Would you classify your blog as a small business, a place to share pet info and stories, a little bit of both, or neither? Definitely a small business! I eat from the money I make there. It is mostly there to entertain and present info about cats from a cat’s point of view, to help promote better interspecies relationships.
    3. How many times a week do you post? Daily, and occasionally more when there is news, a product I want to promote, or a special question I have for my readers.
    4. If you could change one thing about your blog, what would it be? Well, I am always looking for more ways to enlarge my readership, engage them, and have them spread the word. I’d like to be able to blog less, but I am a little addicted to the regular traffic!
    5. What is the link(s) to your blog: http://www.sparklecat.com. My human’s photo blog (not much animal or pet stuff though) is http://eaglerockscenes.com

  9. 1. How many blogs do you have at present? Just one
    2. Would you classify your blog as a small business, a place to share pet info and stories, a little bit of both, or neither? At the moment it is basically just to share pet info but would like it to generate an income
    3. How many times a week do you post? I try for 3 times a week
    4. If you could change one thing about your blog, what would it be? More followers
    5. What is the link(s) to your blog? http://www.enlightened-ferret.com

  10. 1. How many blogs do you have at present? Just one!
    2. Would you classify your blog as a small business, a place to share pet info and stories, a little bit of both, or neither? My own little space on the web…to share info and stories…and pet products.
    3. How many times a week do you post? Every day.
    4. If you could change one thing about your blog, what would it be? I wish I could change it over to WordPress and have it be self hosted rather than on blogger…unfortunately it costs money to do that!
    5. What is the link(s) to your blog? http://bermudabluez.blogspot.com

  11. 1. How many blogs do you have at present?
    I own 1 blog at present. I used to run another but It was going nowhere and I rarely had new ideas to post. This one however is the complete opposite!
    2. Would you classify your blog as a small business, a place to share pet info and stories, a little bit of both, or neither?
    As of yet I get no money. So I am not a money making business if I am one at all. I do share pet info and stories however. I also do reviews on products so I am that kind of blog.
    3. How many times a week do you post?
    I post around 7 – 4 times a week no less, no more.
    4. If you could change one thing about your blog, what would it be?
    The layout/design. Whatever I do I will never be happy with the design. I will never have the skills to design on my own so I would need someone who knew what they were doing
    5. What is the link(s) to your blog?

  12. 1. How many blogs do you have at present? – 1
    2. Would you classify your blog as a small business, a place to share pet info and stories, a little bit of both, or neither? A small business and a place to share cat care and lifestyle information
    3. How many times a week do you post? at least once a day
    4. If you could change one thing about your blog, what would it be? More rapid growth, more sponsorship/advertising opportunities
    5. What is the link(s) to your blog?

  13. 1. How many blogs do you have at present? 2
    2. Would you classify your blog as a small business, a place to share pet info and stories, a little bit of both, or neither? Both for sure.
    3. How many times a week do you post? 6 or 7
    4. If you could change one thing about your blog, what would it be? More sponsors, and followers.
    5. What is the link(s) to your blog? http://roxythetravelingdog.com http://desertravenart.com

  14. 1. How many blogs do you have at present? TWO
    2. Would you classify your blog as a small business, a place to share pet info and stories, a little bit of both, or neither? BOTH.
    3. How many times a week do you post? MINIMUM OF 3 DAYS PER WEEK. I AVERAGE 5 DAYS PER WEEK PER BLOG.
    4. If you could change one thing about your blog, what would it be? Right now, purchase my own http links.
    5. What is the link(s) to your blog?
    Cat Chat http://opcatchat.blogspot.com
    Dakota’s Den http://www.dakotasden.wordpress.com

  15. 1. How many blogs do you have at present? ONE
    2. Would you classify your blog as a small business, a place to share pet info and stories, a little bit of both, or neither? IT’S PROBABLY A LITTLE BIT OF BOTH, BUT IT’S STILL JUST A HOBBY.
    4. If you could change one thing about your blog, what would it be? JUST ONE THING!? NUMBER ONE IS PROBABLY JUST TO GET BACK INTO A CONSISTENT BLOG POSTING SCHEDULE.
    5. What is the link(s) to your blog? http://WWW.PUPPYINTRAINING.COM

  16. 1. How many blogs do you have at present? Just one (used to be 2)
    2. Would you classify your blog as a small business, a place to share pet info and stories, a little bit of both, or neither?
    Both as time to time I promote on a post my on-line shop.
    3. How many times a week do you post?
    Currently, about 5-7 posts a week.
    4. If you could change one thing about your blog, what would it be?
    I’ve done a lot of changes (blog layout n design)for the past year (been happy and proud of it cause I did it). Just want to continue to gain readers and additional sponsorship ads.
    5. What is the link(s) to your blog?
    http://www.sugarthegoldenretriever.com or http://www.goldenwoofs.com (got the domain after I set-up my main blog so this is just a redirect.)
    Golden Thanks. Glad to be able to participate on this survey. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  17. 1. How many blogs do you have at present? One
    2. Would you classify your blog as a small business, a place to share pet info and stories, a little bit of both, or neither? Both. The blog itself is a fun hobby. I also provide design services to the pet blogging community.
    3. How many times a week do you post? Once a day.
    4. If you could change one thing about your blog, what would it be? Expand my reach and secure a sponsorship.
    5. What is the link(s) to your blog?
    GLOGIRLY- http://www.glogirly.com/
    : )

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