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How to Remotely Partake in BlogPaws 2017

FOMO is very real: Fear of missing out will hit you hard in the event you are not an attendee of this year’s BlogPaws Conference. It promises to be our best conference to date, chock full of surprises, giving, education, brands, networking, prizes and swag, pets, and partaking in all things blogging, influencer marketing, and more. Here is how to remotely partake in the the BlogPaws 2017 Conference if you cannot be there in person:

BlogPaws Conference 2017 participation


Several events at this year’s BlogPaws Conference are being livestreamed. This means you can tune in and watch live from the comfort of your home or mobile device. All BlogPaws 2017 Conference livestream events are broadcast on the BlogPaws YouTube channel.

Here is the livestreaming schedule for this year’s conference:

Thursday, May 18 • 6:00pm – 7:00pm EDT: Opening Remarks, News, Announcements

Friday, May 19 • 1:15pm – 2:30pm EDT:  Keynote: Kathleen Gage: The Delaney Factor: Discover How to Overcome Any Obstacle And Achieve More than You Dreamed Possible

Saturday, May 20 • 1:00pm – 2:30pm EDT: Keynote: Jay Baer – Youtility: How to Build a World-Class Personal Brand by Being Hyper-Useful. Hear the world’s most re-tweeted person among digital marketers share impactful advice for creating your personal brand! 

Saturday, May 20 • 6:00pm – 8:00pm EDT: BlogPaws’ 6th Annual Nose-to-Nose Dinner & Awards Closing Ceremony

Social Media Live Broadcasts

Follow BlogPaws on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and SnapChat for images and video LIVE from the conference.

Official Hashtag

BlogPaws uses the hashtag #BlogPaws before, during, and after the event. This is the hashtag you can follow and engage with from now, during, and post conference regarding all things BlogPaws Conference!

BlogPaws Conference

Elfster Fun

Elfster is one of our swag bag sponsors this year. They are hosting a BlogPaws Specific Gift Exchange open to all BlogPaws Community Members to participate in a gift exchange.

Click For Elfster fun here.

Get On the Sponsor Radar

Connect online, tweet out, and say hello to the sponsors who are making the conference possible: BlogPaws 2017 Conference sponsors.

===== > Follow the BlogPaws 2017 Conference Sponsors Twitter list. < ====

Learn About This Zero-Waste Conference

We are proud to announce that, with the help of the Pet Sustainability Coalition, this year’s conference will be a zero-waste event once again! Our 2015 goal was to divert 60 percent of our event waste away from landfills and we achieved 78 percent! Our 2016 goal was to divert 75 percent, and we are proud to say we achieved 95 percent!! All of our attendees help BlogPaws recycle. The same bins will be in all event areas this year, so please help us match last year’s number!

Read BlogPaws’ International Ambassador, Jodi Chick’s, blog post about the Zero Waste Initiative.

Cheer On The BlogPaws 2017 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Award Finalists

These are the only pet industry awards in which pet bloggers and social media influencers are judged on the expertise, performance, and creativity of their entry. Each category is judged by a distinguished panel of professionals and not by popular vote. The influence of pet bloggers is growing, and the BlogPaws community is leading the way.

Here are your Nose to Nose 2017 finalists. Find out who wins at the livestream on Saturday evening, May 20.

Join the BlogPaws Social Learning Community

BlogPaws works year round to help bloggers make money. Join the free community and get started here: http://community.blogpaws.com.

What is the BlogPaws Conference?

The BlogPaws 2017 Conference is a 3-day event jam-packed with educational sessions led by top professionals, networking opportunities with influencers, a busy exhibit hall, exciting brand events, more influencers, and lots of pets. Pets remain at the heart of everything BlogPaws does. Our pet-friendly conferences invite all pets everywhere in the event space.

Your ticket to BlogPaws includes entrance into the exhibit hall, all sessions (except as noted), all keynote sessions, events, the Nose-to-Nose awards, and all meals per the agenda.

BlogPaws has always been and will always be about and for the bloggers and influencers: those who want to learn, grow, network, and take their blog to the “next level.”

BlogPaws connects brands to bloggers and those who want to monetize, form relationships, and turn a passion for pets into a way to make money.

For our 2017 Conference the Cat Writers’ Association Conference will once again join BlogPaws with a special session track on Thursday and Friday, and their Awards Banquet on Friday evening. Check out the CWA site for more information.

Last Minute Tickets

If any tickets remain, snag them here: ====> BlogPaws 2017 Conference tickets

See you online and in person and/or both!

Images:  Constantin Stanciu Kei Shooting/  Shutterstock 

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