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How to Make a Pet Blog Post Stand Out

The definition of a successful blog post varies from blogger to blogger. One of the shared goals on which most bloggers would agree is this: Getting the content seen, commented on, and shared. Knowing how to make a pet blog post, or any niche for that matter, stand out is one of our most frequently asked questions.

We’ve been talking a lot about Influencer Marketing and its importance in the social media and blogging spheres. Writing a blog post is one part of the equation; the other part involves promoting it. Here are 4 sponsored blog posts that stand out, why, and how you can replicate the techniques used on your own blog, no matter what blog niche you are in:

How to Make a Blog Post Stand Out

Cat Toy with Treats

Goal: Share news about Friskies® Pull ‘N Play for cats, available at PetSmart.®

Blogger: Dirty Floor Diaries

What Makes This Post Stand Out:

  • Personal Touch: We discover PopTart the cat early on in the post and that his mom, Summer, grew up with a cat named Samurai.
  • Multimedia: Instagram and YouTube embeds are showcased in the body of the post: Talk about driving traffic from your blog TO your social media accounts and vice versa.
  • Spotlight Photos: Summer shows us PopTart playing with the toy in different levels of engagement. She doesn’t tell us: She shows us through imagery. Words complement the photos and photos illustrate the blog’s post.

Click to Read: PopTart the Cat

Flea and Tick Preventative

Goal: Get the word out about Bravecto® Flea and Tick preventative for dogs.

Blogger: Chronicles of Cardigan

What Makes This Post Stand Out:

  • Standout Title: How to Inject Humor Into Removing an Embedded Tick From Your Pet. This is SEO friendly, as folks type things like “removing an embedded tick” into search engines. It is also engaging and a fun approach to a gross topic.
  • Photo Captions: Unique and original, blogger Elizabeth Keene includes captions that are less “yearbook caption” style and more conversational. Case in point: I really really really really hate pulling ticks off my pets. And I really really really really hate that the grass in the field next to our yard is taller than all of them.
  • Bullet Points: Bullet points are blogger 101 for breaking up the text and making a more aesthetically pleasing post for the reader. Check out the unique spin Keene puts on tick removal (with humor)

Click to Read: How to Remove and Embedded Tick (with Humor)

Remove a tick with ease

Disaster Preparedness for Pets

Goal: Inform pet parents about disaster preparedness for pets with Hill’s®

Blogger: Sugar the Golden Retriever

Note: This post landed Sugar’s mom, Rosalyn Acero, a sponsorship to the BlogPaws Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, 2016.

What Makes This Post Stand Out:

  • From Real Life: Sugar’s family moved to California and her real-life concerns of disasters are discussed at the start of the post. Readers want to feel you care.
  • Step by Step: A numbered list gives the reader an easier way of digesting a topic that is super important.
  • Infographic Inclusion: Many pet parents prefer a checklist or some sort of visual reminder of what they need to do: Sugar’s post includes a brand-provided infographic, which is both very on trend and very shareable.

Click to Read: Prepare Pets for Disaster

Kidney Screening for Cats

Goal: Get the word out about IDEXX SDMA™ Kidney Screening Test for cats

Blogger: Sparkle Cat

What Makes This Post Stand Out:

  • Cat’s Point of View: Short, sweet, and to the point, the blogger leads with, “My human has had two cats with kidney disease, and one was the founder of this blog, Sparkle.” We, the readers, want to know more. What happened to the cats?
  • Educational Becomes Memorable: Topics about pet healthcare can be very dry if not presented properly, but Sparkle Cat’s mom, Janiss Garza, grabs the attention of the reader: “Since Binga and Boodie are both over 15, my human is very concerned about them, even though they are healthy right now.” Okay, tell us more!
  • Two Calls To Action: You always want to end a post giving the reader something to do or act upon. In this case, Sparkle Cat has two. Head over to see what exactly she did.

Click to Read: Cats and Kidney Disease (and note the unobtrusive but clear way that Sparkle Cat included the disclaimer in her post)

Sparkle Cat disclaimer

More Takeaways to Make a Blog Post Stand Out

Pet Blogger Trends and Tips: This post spotlights some very important do’s if you want to grow a blog. Advice includes timeless reminders from seasoned bloggers and award winners.

How to Become a Successful Pet Blogger: Janea Kelley of Paws and Effects runs through key elements for defining and refining a pet blog.

Hot Social Media Tips for Bloggers: Once you hit publish, the work has just begun. Shine the spotlight on a blog post with these consistent tips.

Are you investing the time to make your blog post stand out and ensure that you utilize those 3 seconds you have to capture a reader’s attention?

Carol Bryant is the Marketing and Social Media Manager for BlogPaws and runs her own blog, Fidose of Reality and its fundraising arm, Wigglebutt Warriors. When not busy playing with her Cocker Spaniel, Dexter, she stays far away from cooking. Her trademark is her mantra and is tattooed on her arm: My Heart Beats Dog.®




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