
How to Grow Your Blog (Even When Traffic is Slow)

This week’s #BlogPawsChat was all about the summer slump… and how to beat it! This time of year blog traffic dips. Social engagement slows. It’s part of the natural cycle since everyone’s out enjoying the beautiful weather!

Don’t let it slow YOU down, though! This past Tuesday’s Twitter chat was chock full of tips and tricks to make the most of the summer slow-down. So, ICYMI or if chat flew by too quickly to capture all the notes, here’s a recap of the most actionable advice shared during chat:

How to Grow Your Blog (even when traffic is slow)

Social Media Tips

Looking to grow your Instagram account? Use the video feature, now allowing up to 60 seconds. More Insta-tips: https://blogpaws.com/executive-blog/blogging-social-media-info/learning/11-ways-to-grow-an-instagram-account/

Wondering what images people pin from your blog posts? Check here: www.pinterest.com/source/YOURWEBSITE (Be sure to replace the YOURWEBSITE part with your actual URL!)

Share content on Twitter that would make you want to engage with it if you saw it going through your feed. Learn more on growing your Twitter following: https://blogpaws.com/executive-blog/blogging-social-media-info/twitter-2/15-ways-to-grow-a-twitter-following/

Looking for trends to tweet about? Check out WhattheTrend.com.

Don’t #OverRun a #Tweet With #Hashtags No Matter #What! Learn more about hashtag best practices:  https://blogpaws.com/executive-blog/blogging-social-media-info/twitter-2/10-pet-related-twitter-hashtag-tips/

Growing a YouTube account to millions of views is no easy feat, but @GonetotheSnowDogs shows you how here: https://blogpaws.com/executive-blog/blogging-social-media-info/social-media-strategy/how-to-grow-a-youtube-account/

Blogging Tips

@Glogirly says “Visit and comment on other blogs both inside and outside your niche”  https://blogpaws.com/executive-blog/authors-team/posts-by-carol-bryant/winners-circle-social-media-ninja-tips

Credible resources can add credibility to a blog post. Find sources the right way: https://blogpaws.com/executive-blog/blogging-social-media-info/how-to-get-traffic-to-your-blog/how-to-find-sources-for-blog-posts/

Stuck for ideas and not feeling very creative? Get in the car and drive or go for a walk! Ideas will show themselves.

Learn online video skills. The Washington Post says in five years, 80 percent of the whole Internet will be online video. https://blogpaws.com/executive-blog/blogging-social-media-info/social-media-strategy/hot-social-media-tips-for-bloggers-2/

Schedule your blog posts ahead of time so you can enjoy more time outdoors!

Use the summer to update old blog posts and add them to your promotion schedule.

Don’t let the summer slow-down slow YOU down! Make 15 updates when traffic is low: https://blogpaws.com/executive-blog/beat-the-summer-blogger-slump/

Keep a notebook next to you so that you can write down blog post ideas even ever they come to you.

Do you have a blogging mentor? Someone you can bounce ideas off of and learn from? Find one!

Content Tips

Controversial blog topics are definitely reader and traffic inducing, but need to be handled properly. Learn how: https://blogpaws.com/executive-blog/authors-team/posts-by-carol-bryant/how-to-blog-about-controversial-topics/

Learn how to avoid blogger nightmares during slower times of the year: https://blogpaws.com/executive-blog/blogging-social-media-info/learning/9-blogger-nightmares-and-how-to-handle-them/

There are at least 20 ways to promote “old” blog content. Here’s a jump start: https://blogpaws.com/executive-blog/blogging-social-media-info/learning/20-ways-to-promote-old-blog-posts/

Want brands to notice your blog? Here are 10 ways: https://blogpaws.com/executive-blog/blogging-social-media-info/learning/10-ways-to-get-brands-to-notice-your-blog/

Roundup posts are an easy way to create new content and share the blog love. Just be sure to get permission before including images!

In a rut? Stuck for ideas? Check out these summer blogging prompts for summer inspo: https://blogpaws.com/executive-blog/10-summer-blogging-prompts/

Grow your blog and social engagement by making the most of the summer slow-down

Final Quick Tips

  • Summer is a great time to clean up your social media profiles!
  • Use a scheduling tool like Hootsuite or Buffer to schedule social media in advance.
  • Have a social media plan for each post you write in order to get the content in front of the most people.
  • Treat every post like a sponsored post. Drive traffic to your evergreen content and watch your traffic climb!
  • Focus on relationship building by upping your engagement on other people’s content.
  • Be spontaneous with engaging on social media but planned in your content.
  • Promote old blog posts during the summer while you’re out on vacation!

Every Tuesday from 8 to 10 pm (eastern), except for the third Tuesday of the month, BlogPaws hosts a Twitter chat: #BlogPawsChat. Whether it’s a brand-sponsored event full of information for pet lovers along with prize giveaways and networking, or an educational session full of inspiration, tips, and tricks, you’re sure to learn something! Join us next Tuesday!

What steps are YOU taking to make the most of the summer on your blog and social? Share your tips and tricks in the comments so we can all learn from one another!

Maggie Marton serves as the BlogPaws senior editor. When not hiking with her two pit mixes, Emmett and Cooper, or playing with Newt the Cat, Maggie writes about them (and the pet industry) at ohmydogblog.com and maggiemarton.com

Images:  Stokkete/Shutterstock.com and ThamKC/Shutterstock.com

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