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How to Get on the Radar of BlogPaws Brands

Get on Radar of Brands

Things are really heating up! The brands are excited, bloggers are registering, Nashville is preparing, and the BlogPaws team is in overdrive! There are things you can do now to get on the radar of BlogPaws Conference brands.

If you are coming to the BlogPaws Conference later this month in Nashville, one of the best tips we can offer as to how to get on a brand’s radar is to know what they are doing in general. Bloggers don’t like cold pitches via email and brands like to know that bloggers took the time to do some background work on them. Think about the time perhaps that a sales person called you at home and rattled off a telemarketing speech. It is irritating and the person probably did not get to know YOU first. Take that philosophy, flip it on its ear, and get to know the brands who are coming to the conference.

If you are not coming to the BlogPaws Conference, use this news as a catalyst to Tweeting a brand, saying hello, and getting to know the message behind the company and the many things going on behind the face of a brand.

PedigreeThe PEDIGREE Foundation

The PEDIGREE Foundation® supports the people and organizations that work to ensure better outcomes for all dogs in need. Adopt – Volunteer – Donate is the motto of The PEDIGREE Foundation. They encourage you to adopt your pets from local shelters and rescues.  Then, volunteer your time to help them.  Just a small commitment from you will make a big difference in the lives of dogs waiting for their forever homes.  Finally, donate.  No gift is too small to make a difference. Tweet to @PedigreeFound and get the scoop from The PEDIGREE Foundation.

LucyPetFoundation-sizedLucy Pet Foundation Rolls Into Town

At their core, the Lucy Pet Foundation is a non-profit dedicated to increasing spay and neuter and helping to control the pet population. Meet Joey Herrick, founder, and let him know you support the mission to help control pet population. The big Spay and Neuter Mobile will be cruising into Nashville. Tweet them @LUCYPETFDN. Follow them online and learn more and why Lucy Pet Foundation cares so much for animals.

petsafe.jpgPetSafe and Bark in the Park

BlogPaws welcomes PetSafe® back as Silver Sponsor!! PetSafe will sponsor the 2015 Dog Park and host another incredible Yappy Hour with plenty of fun, networking, and surprises. Be sure to RSVP.  Be sure to follow PetSafe on Twitter and say hello! Learn more about PetSafe and get ready to go face to face and meet them in Nashville!

John Paul Pet - Health Wellness Grooming ProductsJohn Paul Pet Cares

John Paul Mitchell, founder of the company, does not believe in animal testing. The BlogPaws Community is a passionate one that cares about animals. Send a Tweet out to @JohnPaulPet thanking them for caring so much about animals. Learn more by visiting John Paul Pet.

Hungry for more tips? Here are some do’s and dont’s when working with brands.

Got a tip we missed? Let us know in the comments below. If you are coming to the Conference, bark and purr at us in the comments, too. We are counting down with you!




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