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What Happens At A Blog Conference?

Attending a blog conference, such as BlogPaws 2015, means you will open yourself up to new opportunities. It will provide you new people with whom to interact. A conference is a way to get out of your comfort zone, meet blog-conferencesindividuals who are doing what you do (and likely struggling with what you struggle with) and open your mind to not only new possibilities but to new ways to be more effective in your own blogging and in finding ways to grow your business.

BlogPaws Ambassador Kimberly Dickerson blogged about her experiences at the BlogPaws 2014 Conference in Las Vegas. We agree with her that blog conferences are about more than blogging and you can read her post for more of her thoughts on the blog conference experience.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on what you get out of any conference that you attend, but especially what you’ve gotten out of your attendance at BlogPaws’ conferences.

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