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Essential BlogPaws 2017 Conference Everything Post

If you are coming to the BlogPaws 2017 Conference, considering it, or wanting to learn more, you’ve come to the right place. Bookmark and reference this post: We will update as the excitement and news builds!

BlogPaws 2017 Conference details

The BlogPaws 2017 Conference is a 3-day event jam-packed with educational sessions led by top professionals, networking opportunities with influencers, a busy exhibit hall, exciting brand events, more influencers, and lots of pets. Pets remain at the heart of everything BlogPaws does. Our pet-friendly conferences invite all pets everywhere in the event space.

Your ticket to BlogPaws includes entrance into the exhibit hall, all sessions (except as noted), all keynote sessions, events, the Nose-to-Nose awards, and all meals per the agenda.

BlogPaws has always been and will always be about and for the bloggers and influencers: those who want to learn, grow, network, and take their blog to the “next level.”

BlogPaws connects brands to bloggers and those who want to monetize, form relationships, and turn a passion for pets into a way to make money.

For our 2017 Conference the Cat Writers’ Association Conference will once again join BlogPaws with a special session track on Thursday and Friday, and their Awards Banquet on Friday evening. Check out the CWA site for more information.

Conference Dates

Thursday, May 18 through Saturday, May 20.  Pre-conference Wednesday night mixer will be held on May 17.


BlogPaws 2017 will be held at:
Sheraton Myrtle Beach Convention Center Hotel
2101 North Oak Street
Myrtle Beach, SC  29577
(843) 918-5000

NOTE: Please do NOT ship anything to the hotel. They do not have a storage area so you must be present and available to sign for and take possession immediately of any package you receive. 

Hotel Group Reservations

Hotel Group Reservations: Be sure to get your room at the conference location before they sell out, and they always do!

The Sheraton Myrtle Beach is offering a special rate of $142 per night (plus taxes), including free Internet access. You can make reservations at the Sheraton by visiting here. It is highly recommended that you make your reservation ASAP. Each year our hotels have sold out.

05/09/17 UPDATE: The Conference Hotel Block is almost sold out and that means there are no additional rooms available at the hotel. Book now so that you do not miss out.

BlogPaws 2017 Conference hotel

Official Ticket Sales

Here is the official link to the BlogPaws 2017 Conference tickets.

Once we sell out, there will be no additional tickets available.

Which Ticket to Purchase

There are a few different types of tickets, and you will purchase the ticket that best identifies you. 

Official Facebook Event Page

Are you a member of the official BlogPaws Facebook Event PageBe sure to join and check in frequently for conference updates and news.

BlogPaws Conference newbies course

Newbies Course

Calling all bloggers and influencers who are attending the BlogPaws Conference for the first time OR who want a refresher/update to the conference comings, goings, and tips for how to maximize the BlogPaws Conference experience: Join the BlogPaws Conference Newbies course in the Social Learning Community and get all your questions answered.

P.S. Business card information and Roommate/Ride-Share interest board sections are up and running, too!

Conference Sponsors

Go nose-to-nose and face-to-face with the sponsors who are there to meet you and who make this conference possible: BlogPaws 2017 Conference sponsors.

Follow the BlogPaws 2017 Conference Sponsors Twitter list.

Conference Speakers

Follow the BlogPaws 2017 Conference Speakers Twitter list.

BlogPaws 2017 Conference Schedule

This is the most up-to-date schedule. Check back for updates…invite your friends to register TODAY!

Once you register, you can create your very own personalized BlogPaws 2017 Conference schedule, print it out, or reference it online.

One-on-One Sessions

We are bringing back the One-on-One sessions that we held over the past two conferences. One-on-One sessions are short amounts of time where you can sign up to have a discussion with an expert or speaker who is participating. We are still finalizing the participants, and the sign up will happen a few weeks out from the event (exact date TBD). Again, watch your attendee newsletter for the announcement of who will be hosting One-on-One sessions and when you will be able to reserve a spot for yourself.

Table Topics

Yes, as we’ve had in years past, we will have some table topic discussions during lunches. Table topics will be led by one person and approximately eight to 10 other people can sign up to participate over the lunch meal. We do not open up the sign up for table topics until the morning of the lunch. Watch your attendee newsletter for the announcements of what the Table Topic discussions will be about and more details.

BlogPaws Conferences are pet friendly

BlogPaws Executive Team

Get to know the members of the BlogPaws Executive Team in advance of the conference. You’ll see us in person soon!

BlogPaws 2017 Conference Ambassadors

BlogPaws proudly announces your 2017 BlogPaws Conference Ambassadors:

Paula Gregg of Sweet Purrfections

Cathy Armato of Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

Jennifer Costello of My Brown Newfies

Elizabeth Tucker Keene of The Chronicles of Cardigan

Robin Mudge of Playful Kitty

Jodi Chick of Kol’s Notes

An ambassador is someone who shares in a mission and helps support it every step of the way. Each year, BlogPaws selects a group of pet bloggers as ambassadors to the conference. They are chosen for their professionalism and talent in social media. They will assist everyone in the BlogPaws Conference experience before and during the conference. Welcome them aboard and be sure to follow their blogs!



When to Arrive and Depart

BlogPaws recommends arriving on Wednesday, May 17, and departing on Sunday, May 21. This will provide you the opportunity to engage in the entire conference experience and events.

Airport Information

You have two options if you are flying in for the BlogPaws 2017 Conference:

1) Fly into Myrtle Beach. The closest airport is the Myrtle Beach International Airport, which is about five miles from the hotel.  

2) Fly into Charleston, South Carolina.  A two-hour Greyhound bus ride from there for $22 drops you just down the street from the Conference hotel for a nice cost savings.

Transportation from Airport to Venue

BlogPaws will provide attendees flying in to the Myrtle Beach airport with an Uber code to get you from the airport to the host hotel. If you are a BlogPaws registered attendee, this information was sent to you via attendee newsletter with a code to use. 


Let the world know how proud you are to be a part of the BlogPaws 2017 Conference; snag a badge here: BlogPaws 2017 Conference badges.

VIP Events

BlogPaws is working with brands on several VIP invite events, as we do each year. Each brand hosting an event gets to decide who to invite, but can only invite those bloggers who are already registered and arriving in time to attend any event. We do not recommend changing your plans to try and be available for a VIP invite because we cannot guarantee any one blogger an invitation, but if you haven’t decided when you will be arriving yet, we will say that earlier is better. 🙂

Zero-Waste Conference

We are proud to announce that, with the help of the Pet Sustainability Coalition, this year’s conference will be a zero-waste event once again! Our 2015 goal was to divert 60 percent of our event waste away from landfills and we achieved 78 percent! Our 2016 goal was to divert 75 percent, and we are proud to say we achieved 95 percent!! All of our attendees help BlogPaws recycle. The same bins will be in all event areas this year, so please help us match last year’s number!

BlogPaws Conference

Official Hashtag

BlogPaws uses the hashtag #BlogPaws before, during, and after the event. 

Exhibit Hall Hours

BlogPaws will host a short press conference just outside the exhibit hall at 9:45 a.m. Thursday, May 18, leading up to the exhibit hall opening.

  • Thursday, May 18:  10:00 a.m.  – 6:00 p.m., where 5:00 – 6:00 is a happy hour in the exhibit hall
  • Friday, May 19: 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., where 5:30 – 6:30 is a happy hour in the exhibit hall
  • Saturday, May 20: CLOSED!

Cat Lounge Hours

Thursday, May 18: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., where 5:00 – 6:00 is a happy hour in the exhibit hall
Friday, May 19: 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m., where 5:30 – 6:30 is a happy hour in the exhibit hall
Saturday, May 20: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


Attendee Newsletter

All registered attendees will receive a newsletter each week leading up to the conference. Check the email you used to register for the conference. There is very important information in these attendee newsletters you won’t want to miss.

What to Wear

Whatever you are most comfortable in! We have outfits ranging from jeans and a T-shirt to business casual.  For the awards gala on Saturday, most do tend to dress up – including pets! One recommendation we do have is if you tend to be chilly, bring a sweater, as the air conditioning will be on indoors.

Food During the Conference

Wednesday evening will be a light dinner for a very special pre-conference event. 

On Thursday, there is a Hero’s Banquet Breakfast Sponsored by Merrick. There will be a meal provided by BlogPaws at opening reception buffet at 7 pm. While food on this night is not a sit-down meal, it is hearty enough to be your meal and you should not need to eat elsewhere. The Yappy Hour from 5 – 6 pm will have some light appetizers, as well.

On Friday, breakfast and lunch will be provided. Breakfast usually consists of a continental-style meal with a hot item or two, and lunch is a full hot buffet. You will be on your own for dinner this evening. 

On Saturday, all meals are provided by BlogPaws. Breakfast will be similar to Friday’s, as will the lunch. The dinner during the Nose-to-Nose Awards will be a plated sit down style meal. Yes, there will be meals for anyone with a dietary restriction, i.e. vegetarian, vegan, kosher, etc.

Cat in stroller at BlogPaws Conference

What Events Take Place During the Conference

Check in with the official BlogPaws Conference schedule for the most up-to-date information and check back often, as we have many surprises in store for attendees!

Kid Friendly?

While we think any kid would have a good time and enjoy seeing some animals, we ask that they do not attend the conference. This is a professional conference and we want to be respectful of other attendees. If you wanted to bring your family and enjoy the Myrtle Beach area and the hotel during the conference, that is totally fine! Kids cannot come to any conference related functions, so keep that in mind.

Pet Friendly?

BlogPaws is pet friendly. We accept animals of all kinds! We do expect pet parents to have dogs on leash, cats restrained, and other pets on either a leash or controlled in some way as the number of pets grows every year. It’s important to the health and safety of all involved that pet parents consider their pet’s personality and ability to interact with others, at all times. If you plan to bring your animal, please indicate that during registration and additional information will be sent to you. Additionally, anyone bringing their pet will have a second step to their registration process for the event on-site. Stay tuned for more information on that!

Weather in Myrtle Beach in May

Myrtle Beach averages a daily maximum temperature for May that’s between 78 and 81 degrees Fahrenheit. The relative humidity in Myrtle Beach during May usually peaks at 89 percent in the morning then drops to 53 percent by early afternoon.

Pet Parks 

Both large and small dog spaces are available, as well as a nap/break room for pets to relax.

  • 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.:  Pet Parks Open
  • 7:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.:  Pet Parks Open
  • 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.:  Pet Parks Open


Nose-to-Nose Awards and Red Carpet Walk

Please join us at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday for the official Nose-to-Nose Red Carpet walk, complete with photographers! If you do not want to walk the red carpet, that is fine, too! Anyone can get their picture taken in front of the step & repeat at the end of the red carpet. For Saturday evening, May 20: 

5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.            Red Carpet Happy Hour & Walk
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.            BlogPaws 6th Annual Nose-to-Nose Dinner & Awards, Closing Remarks
8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.          After-Pawty!

2017 BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose Awards

BlogPaws 2017 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards

These are the only pet industry awards in which pet bloggers and social media influencers are judged on the expertise, performance, and creativity of their entry. Each category is judged by a distinguished panel of professionals and not by popular vote. The influence of pet bloggers is growing and the BlogPaws community is leading the way.

Here are your Nose to Nose 2017 finalists.

Connect In Advance of the Conference

We encourage you to register on our site through our agenda platform and link up your Twitter account. You may link up other accounts if you choose, but Twitter is a great way to connect with people ahead of time. Once you register, you can see who else has registered in the Attendees section. 

Is the Conference The Same As Previous Years?

No two conferences are ever the same. As social media and blogging evolve so, too, do the BlogPaws Conferences. Networking face to face is pivotal, and our attendees and sponsors value the interaction to form and continue relationships. Whether this is your first BlogPaws Conference or your ninth, no two conferences are ever the same. 

Where Has BlogPaws Held Conferences?

2010: 1st in Columbus, Ohio

2010: 2nd in Denver, Colorado (BlogPaws West)

2011: 3rd in Tysons’ Corner, Virginia

2012: 4th in Salt Lake City, Utah

2013: 5th Tysons’ Corner, Virginia

2014:  6th in Lake Las Vegas, Nevada

2015:  7th in Nashville

2016: 8th in  Chandler Arizona

2017: 9th in Myrtle Beach

We won’t be hosting a conference in California because there is a ferret ban in the state. And BlogPaws is all about supporting all animals. Many of our members have ferrets.

Design your own destiny

Who Should Attend the BlogPaws Conference?

  • BlogPaws Conferences are designed for anyone who wants to know more about blogging in general: from beginner to advanced and anyone in between.
  • Are you a lifestyle blogger? If you want to work with brands who care about you for the long-term, BlogPaws welcomes you, too! Many lifestyle bloggers attend.
  • BlogPaws welcomes and encourages influencers who do not have traditional blogs. So often we hear, “But I don’t have a blog. Can I still come to BlogPaws?” Yes. If you are on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, or any other host of online social media platforms, then you should be at BlogPaws. And folks are making money and a presence on those channels. So why shouldn’t you?
  • BlogPaws connects brands to bloggers and those who want to monetize, form relationships, and turn a passion for pets into a way to make money.

And that’s just a start.

You can even learn from rescue folks how to up your game so that the numbers of pets in shelters and being needlessly euthanized every year can decrease. If pets aren’t your thing, you can and should still come to BlogPaws for a solid social media education.

BONUS: Oh, and BlogPaws works year round to help bloggers make money. Join the free community and get started here: http://community.blogpaws.com.

Motivational quotation

What If I Have a Blog But Not About Pets?

BlogPaws is for anyone who wants to learn more about social media or blogging. If you have a pet, that’s fantastic; if not, we welcome you, as the education is stellar!

Photos from Previous BlogPaws Conferences

BlogPaws Facebook Page Photo Albums.

How Do I Get My Swag Home?

You will receive a dog or cat bag of swag at the BlogPaws Conference and other goodies throughout the conference. UPS will be on site on Saturday afternoon on May 20th with a shipping service available for your swag. 

Must Read Links for Conference Goers

How to Make the Most Out of Your BlogPaws Experience

8 Social Tips for Attending a Live Event Like BlogPaws

A Big Surprise

If you made it this far, you deserve to know that there is an anonymous partner who understands some of the biggest expenses shelters have are for the care of their pets. Said anonymous partner wants to make a difference with this gift to a community of people who are so focused on bettering the lives of pets themselves. You must be at the BlogPaws Conference to be a part of this big surprise. Trust us, it’s not to be missed. It can benefit your favorite shelter.

Final Facts

This year’s lineup of speakers is second to none, we have teamed with the Cat Writer’s Association, and the brands are eager to meet you. Of course, there are surprises galore, and the entire 3-day event takes place at a beautiful convention center conveniently located in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

See you in Myrtle Beach!

Image Credit: Happy monkey/ Ermolaev Alexander /Krzysztof Gorski /underverse /Pemika Chedpiroon/Shutterstock.com

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