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December Kicks Off ‘Giving Month’ At BlogPaws

Post by Robbi Hess

I'm not ashamed to admit when I make my shopping list for my friends and family for the holidays I also include items for my pets. Henrietta typically gets more than the four cats and Spenser, but then she likes to wear clothes and will also play with toys without shredding them the way Spenser does. The kitties are happy with new catnip mice and brand new scratching posts. 

When I think of this month's theme for BlogPaws I also think of the ways in which I could give back to Picture1my local shelter. We have adopted most of our cats from our local animal rescue and I know that once I adopted them, paid the fee and walked out the door, my commitment to the shelter wasn't done. I volunteered to do their social media, I drop off supplies that are on the wish list and I stay involved. Giving Month for me and for most of my pet-loving friends is year-round. 

On another note, it is hard to believe that BlogPaws 2014 is a little over five months away! I have been hearing talk in the BlogPaws Community that attendees are already buying their plane tickets because it's Mother's Day weekend and flights are booking fast! Are you going to BlogPaws 2014? If so, there's no time like the present (see how I worked that into Giving Month?!) to register or to ask for a registration for a holiday gift. 

If you were too busy standing in lines at the mall and missed the Black Friday deals, stay tuned because we will be kicking off Cyber Monday specials that you do not want to miss! Rumor has it that even if you've already purchased your BlogPaws 2014 registration you can still participate in Cyber Monday! 

What else did we bring you from BlogPaws Central last week? Let me recap: 

  • As mentioned, we had Black Friday specials and in addition to that we gave you a video from one of our BlogPaws 2013 speakers, David Pisarra, who told attendees how they could Write and Print Their Book in 90 Days. 
  • We offered our Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop. Have you ever joined a Blog Hop? It's fun and easy and here are the instructions. Check them out so you can be ready to hop in next Wednesday! 
  • Are you ever stumped for blogging ideas? Do you wait for the idea muse to tap you on the shoulder and offer you suggestions? Wait no more! Our PR Manager, Carol Bryant, offered us an entire blog post full of blog ideas
  • I am in the frozen northeast and know that my diva poodle, Henrietta, does not like the cold weather so I blogged about Pet Health Awareness and how to keep your pets warm and safe during the winter months. 

Here's hoping you and your pets have a fabulous weekend and that you get a chance to browse through the BlogPaws blog archives. If you're a pet blogger, pet lover or a pet parent and want to become part of a pet loving community, check out the BlogPaws Community — the only 24/7/365 community of its kind. 



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  1. Robbi, I didn’t realize BlogPaws 2014 was on Mother’s Day weekend, so I just booked my plane for $305 round trip Baltimore-Las Vegas. That’s a great price! Moms can leave LV bright and early Sunday morning to get the best of both worlds: three days at BlogPaws and Sunday with their kids! I look forward to the BlogPaws Community rooms for people who want to share cabs between the LV airport and the Westin. On your December theme, I can’t wait to hear more about how people can help their local shelter without spending money.

  2. Hi Emmy, That is a great price for your plane fare! Mother’s Day is May 11 — right when the conference ends. Can’t wait to see you again and yes, stay tuned on how you (or anyone) can use their talents (not necessarily their checkbooks — does anyone use a checkbook any more?) to help a local shelter!

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