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Breaking News: 3rd Annual Community #BlogPawty Rescheduled

The Community Twitter #BlogPawty is being rescheduled due to a family emergency with the BlogPaws Executive Team. Please bear with us as the Executive Team deals with their family emergency.

We’ll announce a rescheduled date as soon as we can.

Don’t lose your excitement for this annual event! As everyone knows, the Annual Community #BlogPawty is held from 5 to 9 pm EST (U.S.) on Twitter and all pet lovers are welcome! While this year’s event must be changed, we don’t want you to forget that this important event honors the BlogPaws Community and volunteers with awards and special blog badges.

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As always, we’ll have great quiz prizes and lots of time for socializing with your pet loving pals – and plenty of music with an open (virtual) cocktail and hors d’oeuvres bar.

Stay tuned for the new, rescheduled date and time… We promise to share that as soon as we are able.

P.S. Our awesome #BlogPawty staff is generously donating their earnings for this pawty to Stray Rescue of St. Louis, a great shelter in Missouri, caring for 200 dogs and 100 cats at a time. Their volunteers recently camped out overnight on the floor for three nights when temperatures dropped to unbearable levels so stray animals could be brought in after hours. Love them – and our wonderful #BlogPawty staff!

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