
#BlogPawsChat Small Pet Appreciation

small petsThe BlogPaws theme this month is Small Pet Appreciation and in tonight’s #BlogPawsChat we will be talking all things small pet, how they rock, sharing your cute photos and any pet information you have to share with us. PS you don’t have to be the parent of a small pet to join in because we love all pets! Pet parents of pets in all shapes, sizes and species are welcome!

Join us on Twitter using #BlogPawsChat tonight (April 7)  from 8 to 10 pm EST.

This will be a general sharing session of small pet information, facts and photos of your furry pets! Follow BlogPaws on Twitter to join in the fun!

Got a small pet you are proud of?  Enter our photo contest. $125 in prizes up for grabs:  http://blogp.ws/1s586sF

If you’ve never joined a Twitter chat, here are the rules of the road:  Simply follow the hashtag #BlogPawsChat and ensure that it shows up in all your tweets.

Bonus: #BlogPawsChat is a great way to network, meet new people, catch up with familiar faces, and engage on Twitter. An app like Hootsuite or Tweetdeck is helpful, too!

P.S. There are just 52 days until the big BlogPaws Conference in Nashville.

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