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BlogPaws’ News Bite: Florida Governor Returns Dog

When it comes to adopting a dog, cat, ferret or whatever kind of pet you are opening your home to it is a forever commitment. Adoption is not a “while it’s convenient” or even a “to get elected” bid, it is a commitment you made to an animal and it is one that article-2262582-16F2906E000005DC-536_634x470you should be making until the end of that pet’s life.

This was not the case for Florida governor Rick Scott, who adopted a dog during his 2010 election campaign but apparently, recently returned it to the previous owner stating the dog, “was not a good fit” for the family.

As pet lovers, this breaks our hearts. You can’t simply “return” a pet like it’s a pair of shoes. Adoption is a long-term, until death do you part relationship don’t you agree?

You can read the entire story here.

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