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What BlogPaws Ambassadors Are Reading

We bring to you another fantastic round up of blog posts that our Ambassadors have uncovered, read, loved and wanted to share with you this past week.

From Teri Thorsteinson, Curlz and Swirlz is reading:

  • The Creative Cat , this “must visit” blog,  is by Bernadette Kazmarski. From her artwork, to her stories about her cats, to the wanderings in her garden…every visit is a joyful, peaceful and inspiring journey. I met catBernadette at the very first BlogPaws conference in Ohio and became an avid fan…and I was fortunate enough to have her sketch my cats at the BlogPaws conference in Tyson’s in 2012, a very special gift!
  • Sebastian, the Sensitive Soul, is a site that Teri has been following for almost as long as she’s been blogging. She had the pleasure of meeting Amy Palmer at more than one BlogPaws Conference (she’s one of my Disco NoFurNo’s biggest fans!). I enjoy her Cat Quotables posts, as I like adding the quotes to my correspondence, and keep a list of them to refer back to.

From Saving More Than Me, Kimberly Dickerson shared her favorites this week and they included:

  • AKA Design because she said, “Sometimes you need something pretty with a nice message. They have free wall art, too!”

Melissa Clinton, author of The Returns, added her favorite reads to the list and they are:

  •  At Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them, Melissa says that Cathy does a wonderful job of relating a story to the desperate need for education as a way to curb the overcrowding in our shelters.

Irresistible Pets blog owner, Aimee Beltran shares her best reads from they week:

  • Blog Clarity has put together Five Blogging Tools Worth Paying For. Even though they aren’t on this list, my personal must haves are HootSuite and PicMonkey!
  • Every blogger should be prepared to deal with the trolls! Elle & Co has put together a gorgeous graphic and blog post about How To Deal with Trolls, Haters, and Copycats.

We’d love to hear who you’re loving to read this week! Let us know in the comments!

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