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What Our BlogPaws Ambassadors Are Reading

We asked our BlogPaws Ambassadors to send us links to some blog posts that captured their attention this week and boy were we glad we did! Here are some posts they loved that we are sure you will, too.

Aimee Beltran of Irresistible Pets shared these two posts as her weekly favorites:

  • I’m loving this round-up of DIY Dog Crafts from Good Housekeeping. My Pottery Barn inspired DIY Dog Bookends were featured as # 9 in the slide show! , and
  • It’s true that a Chihuahua will follow you anywhere. TSA found a Chihuahua inside a piece of luggage at LaGuardia! The owner claims he had no idea. I always know where Chuy is when I leave the house because he goes in his crate or with my husband! What do you think?

Kimberly Dickerson of Saving More Than me shared:dog on typewriter

  • At the Everyday Home Blog, Kimberly says, “Barb’s storytelling always touches me–especially when she talks about a cat coming into her life while her son was in Iraq.”  Here is her post about what cats have taught her about life, and
  • Over on Dogs Luv Us And We Luv Them, she says she loves everything about the post s well as the statistics that are shared in the post that shows that education is the only real solution.

M.K. Clinton of Barking From The Bayou was inspired by these posts this week:

  • Kelsie, from It’s Dog or Nothing, shares the lessons that she has learned from her Great Pyrenees dogs and Melissa says, “It proves that we all learn from the pets that we love,” and
  • JoAnn, of Sand Spring Chesapeakes, shares memories of her beautiful dog Norman each Saturday.  This post describes his surgery and rehabilitation from ACL surgery. (Editor’s Note: Our PR Manager Carol Bryant, blogged about this topic on her Fidose of Reality site when her dog, Dexter was dealing with the same issue. My poodle, Henrietta, is dealing with a partially torn ACL and is receiving laser treatments, so we have shared knowledge of this injury and surgery!)

Teri Thorsteinson, Curl and Swirlz blogger added that her favorite posts this past week included:

  • Colehaus Cats because the blog is photo-heavy, but what lovely photos! All the kitties are rescues and one even an accomplished artist, it is always a sweet joy to visit this blog and just smile and think “Yes, my cats do that, too.” Another unique thing about this blog…they have pages just for visitors to their abode–birds, squirrels, cats & others! and
  •  The Poppy Q blog. Teri says that, “I prefer for kitties to be indoor cats (no, it’s not just a control issue–although I do have those), I love reading about this blue senior kitty’s adventures. And I love the jargon-tins, rubbish and litter trays!

What blog posts and bloggers are you loving this week, and why? We’d love to know!

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