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Old Dogs – Worth Our Love

by Yvonne DiVita

This great video was sent to me by Lily's Legacy Senior Dog Sanctuary in Marin County, CA. Our old dog, Chester, would appreciate having this shared. At our house, we love all old pets and animals past their prime. Would that the world could see their beauty, grace, and love and always give them the care they deserve.

Wordless Wednesday will return this afternoon. Come on back and share some old dog or cat pictures. Don't forget old horses, ferrets, rabbits and birds.


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  1. As the care-giver and devoted servant of a 15 year old Italian Greyhound (who also helped her other 15 year old IG go to the Rainbow Bridge 9 months ago), I am grateful each and every day for my precious little Lucky’s continued presence in my life. I can’t imagine ever “abandoning” him due to age or infirmities but I am glad to know there are organizations like this that step-in and take care of those that are.

  2. If you love Oldies and rescues, see Senior Dogs Rescue, (of NSW, Australia). Tissues required, some from happy tears… I have no personal link, apart from returning regularly, for updates.

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