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BlogPaws Celebrates Earth Day By Going Green

PISC green initiative

by: Carol Bryant

BlogPaws celebrates Earth Day 2015 with an unprecedented movement never before seen at a BlogPaws Conference. We are going green and plan to strive for a near zero-waste initiative in Nashville with our 500 attendees.

BlogPaws, Only Natural Pet, and the Pet Industry Sustainability Coalition (PISC) announce a partnership to launch a zero-waste initiative for the 2015 BlogPaws Pet Blogger and Social Media Conference scheduled for May 28-30 in Nashville, TN. Combined efforts are focused on achieving as close to a “zero-waste” event as possible, one that will reduce the environmental footprint of the conference by diverting waste from the landfill and by educating conference participants about waste issues related to the pet industry.

Going green is a term that has become trendy and gets tossed around an awful lot these days. Reducing one’s carbon footprints and pawprints is key. Changing our behaviors and lifestyle with easy-to-implement practices means the amount of pollution and waste generated decreases. Now multiply that goal times the number of people and pets on this planet and talk about a sustainability end result! For most people, the decision to ‘go green’ is a gradual process.


Attendees of the BlogPaws 2015 Nashville Conference will be privy to first steps with a large impact. Goals of the initiative include:

  • 65% of the total waste footprint will be diverted from landfill. You can make this sound better with something like: “BlogPaws is hosting the first ever Zero-Waste industry conference where it will divert a minimum of 65% of its total waste footprint”.
  • With the help of Only Natural Pet and the Pet Industry Sustainability Coalition, BlogPaws will minimize its environmental footprint by decreasing the amount of waste produced in the first place, collecting non-landfill materials like recycling, food waste, packaging, and pet waste, and also by engaging with participants in ways to practice a sustainable lifestyle.
  • Engaging with vendors and sponsors to ensure that they too minimize the amount of waste they bring to the conference and ensuring that everything they bring has a landfill alternative.
  • Donating any unused pet products to local shelters to support the local Nashville pet community.
  • Look for Only Natural Pet zero waste experts who will guide your toss into the right disposal bin!
  • BlogPaws will go a step further to encourage the industry to follow its lead by developing a case study and sharing their success to encourage more sustainable events industry wide.
  • Implementation and usage of Sched.org, a mobile-friendly app we are using to help spread the word about the BlogPaws 2015 Conference Schedule. Check out the BlogPaws Sched.org Page and make your own personal itinerary for the conference, too!

green initiative

Only Natural Pet

Only Natural Pet, a Boulder-based manufacturer of all natural pet supplies, has been dedicated to sustainable waste management practices from the get-go. “We reuse shipping boxes, minimize product packaging, use renewable energy, and participate in a zero-waste program at our office, warehouse, and retail store.

Marty Grosjean, the founder and president of Only Natural Pet, recently took to the Pet X Talk stage to share the natural pet philosophy with pet parents. Learn how to get started on a path to better health and a natural lifestyle for your pet with this informative video!


caitlyn  boltonThe Pet Industry Sustainability Coalition strives to be the leading organization for sustainable advancement in the pet industry. We promote creative collaboration throughout the pet industry that prioritizes business minded solutions for sincere environmental improvement.

“The Pet Industry Sustainability Coalition is a collaborative membership organization that works with pet industry leaders to improve their sustainability performance.,” said Caitlyn Bolton, PISC executive director.“We are excited about our role in helping to coordinate and execute a successful zero-waste pet event. We believe that the BlogPaws 2015 conference will set an example for the entire industry, so get ready Global Pet Expo and SuperZoo!”

Meet Marty, Caitlin, and the entire BlogPaws Team in Nashville. Stay tuned for more tips and information on how you can reduce your carbon pawprint and do the same with your pets.

BlogPaws is the largest professional network of pet bloggers and social media enthusiasts. BlogPaws is a part of Pet360 Inc., an integrated media company devoted to everything pets, providing pet parents the trusted information, products and advice they need to raise happy, healthy pets. Now we’re adding “going green” to our list of achievements! See you in Nashville!


 Have you ever been to a zero-waste conference???? How are you reducing your pet’s carbon pawprint?

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