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Airline Travel Tips For Small Dog Owners

tips for air travel with your small dog Editor’s Note from Robbi Hess: I have yet to fly with Henrietta, the Diva Poodle, but I have taken several cross country road trips with her. She currently has about 12,500 miles under her collar because of the trips we’ve taken to and from Arizona and New York. She is an incredible traveling companion although her navigation skills leave something to be desired.

This post from Aimee Beltran struck a chord with me as I hadn’t ever considered flying with Henrietta, but after reading these ten air travel tips for small dog parents it really seems a more-than-doable option. Aimee tells you what to do before, during and after the flight. Valuable information for any of us pet parents who travel with our fur-kids!

Do you fly with your pets? How do you prepare? If you drive with your pets how much prep time does it take to get him or her or them ready?

Share your travel tips here!


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