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Action Plans to Get Brands to Notice You


Hello, My Name is Carol. I am a pet blogger and you should hire me to work for you because I can help raise awareness, boost sales, and all my friends, followers, and family will do the same!

Those are things I want to say to a brand, and sometimes in so many words, I do. Confidence is sexy, after all. Confidence is especially attractive when backed up with reality aka the truth.

In just a little under two weeks, the BlogPaws Conference descends on Nashville. With limited tickets remaining, suitcases being packed, lists being made, and the entire staff on MACH 5 mode, here then are some brands you should get to know at the conference.

Oh, and if you aren’t joining us in Nashville (and why not?!), show your savvy smarts by using this news as a catalyst to Tweeting a brand, saying hello, and getting to know the message behind the company and the many things going on behind the face of a brand.

Bayer-Seresto-Logo-sized Bayer: Seresto Ensuring ample food supplies is one of the biggest challenges facing our world today. Bayer is developing solutions to this problem in its CropScience subgroup and has firmly established the topic of “high-quality food for all” as a central objective of its Sustainability Program. For the Group, the only way to achieve this goal is through sustainable agriculture.

Can you imagine a world without soil? It is a very scary thought. Here’s the reality and what Bayer is doing to protect our planet. Check out the video by clicking here for A World Without Soil.

BlogPaws is proud to be a near zero-waste conference. Eco-efficient processes help Bayer cut the costs associated with materials, energy, emissions and disposal.

Follow Bayer on Twitter.

Action Point: Introduce yourself at the conference to the Seresto folks, let them know you watched the video, and then foster a conversation and a tweet.

Hill's Food, Shelter, and Love Program

Hill’s Pet: With the Hill’s Food, Shelter & Love® Program, they have provided over $240 million worth of food to nearly 1,000 shelters, 365 days a year helping over 6 million pets find a new home…and counting.

With rising temperatures and spring showers giving way to seasonal storms and wild fires, today, now is the time to prepare for emergencies. Loving pet parents know the importance of having a disaster plan for your pets in place—but many people do not. Knowledge and information on such pre-planning is a powerful tool when faced with a situation requiring quick response or evacuation. Click for tips and blogging information on how to prepare for natural disasters with pets here.

Action Point: Get tips from the folks at Hill’s about giving back, preparing for emergencies with pets, and how you can help through blogging. While there, let your followers know on Facebook and tag Hill’s.

Follow Hill’s on Twitter.


Jones Natural Chews: BlogPaws loves hearing news of sponsors who care, and Jones Natural Chews is high atop that list. The folks at Jones support Noah’s Ark Sanctuary as well as their local homeless shelters and food banks family-run businesses. Jones offers 100% USA-made meat products.

Action Point: Stop by, meet Flea and all the fab offerings of Jones Natural Chews and let them know you support your local shelter. Strike up a conversation and do a selfie for Instagram! Don’t forget to tag Jones!

Follow Jones on Twitter

010421-3d-transparent-glass-icon-animals-boneDid you miss what some other brands are doing? Click here to see some more ways to get involved with BlogPaws Conference brands post #1!

Who is ready for BlogPaws in Nashville?


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