
First Annual BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards

Announcing: the WINNERS!


Emcee Wendy Diamond announcing the Best Newbie Blog at the BlogPaws 2012 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging & Social Media Awards ceremonies

More glam on the red carpet at the BlogPaws 2012 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging & Social Media Awards ceremonies

Donation to World Vets on behalf of the winners at the BlogPaws 2012 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging & Social Media Awards ceremonies

Emcee Wendy Diamond added to the glam as twelve winners were announced and recognized during our red carpet gala awards ceremony at BlogPaws 2012, on Saturday evening, June 23.

We’re all grateful to Halo, Purely for Pets and Freekibble.com, the official sponsors of the 2012 BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards, who generously provided prizes for the winners, along with donations of 5,000 meals EACH to the shelter/rescue organization of the winner’s choice. Count ’em up and see where they’re going below!

Halo, Purely for Pets FreekibbleColorLogo-sized

Plus, the winners voted for World Vets to receive $100 each from BlogPaws, and to honor our wonderful #BlogPawty staff we “rounded up” to $2,000. ;-D 

That was one of the six donations announced at our now-traditional closing of every BlogPaws conference, for a total this year of $12,120 in cash and another boatload of left-over pet products (a/k/a swag) for this year’s local pet welfare organization, Friends of Animals Utah.


Here are your WINNERS!

Winner for Best Blog Design:

Karen Nichols for

Skeezix the Cat

Karen’s choice to receive 5,000 meals from Halo and Freekibble:

Dusty Paws Rescue, Inc.

BlogPaws 2012 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards - Winner: Best Blog Design


Best Blog Design Finalists:

I Love Rescue Animals

Skeezix the Cat

The Creative Cat

Zee & Zoey Blog

Winner for Best Bark Blog:

Paris Permenter and
John Bigley

Dog Tipper

Paris’ and John’s choice to receive 5,000 meals from Halo and Freekibble:

Seagoville Animal Shelter

BlogPaws 2012 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards - Winner: Best Bark Blog


Best Bark Blog Finalists:

Deaf Dogs Rock

Dog Tipper

Pooch To 5k

Pup Love

Winner for Best Meow Blog:

Debbie Glovatsky for


Debbie’s choice to receive 5,000 meals from Halo and Freekibble:

Animal Ark Shelter

BlogPaws 2012 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards - Winner: Best Meow Blog


Best Meow Blog Finalists:


Covered in Cat Hair


Paws and Effect

Winner for Best Wiggle Blog:

Erinn Whitmore for


Erinn’s choice to receive 5,000 meals from Halo and Freekibble:

New Hampshire SPCA

BlogPaws 2012 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards - Winner: Best Wiggle Blog


Best Wiggle Blog Finalists:

Ducks and Clucks

Enlightened Ferret

Living with Anteaters


Winner for Best Cause Blog:

Christina Lee for

Deaf Dogs Rock

Christina’s choice to receive 5,000 meals from Halo and Freekibble:

Angels of Assisi

BlogPaws 2012 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards - Winner: Best Cause Blog


Best Cause Blog Finalists:

BTC 4 Animals

Deaf Dogs Rock

Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog’s Blog

Tripawds Blogs

Winner for Best New Blog:

Tracy Baetz for

The Intrepid Pup

Tracy’s choice to receive 5,000 meals from Halo and Freekibble:

The Animal Welfare Society

BlogPaws 2012 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards - Winner: Best New Blog


Best New Blog Finalists:

Bicontinental Dachshund

The Intrepid Pup


Troublin’ Times

Winner for Best Blog Writing:

Robin Craft for

Black & Orange Cat Foundation Blog: Life in Rescue

Robin’s choice to receive 5,000 meals from Halo and Freekibble:

Black & Orange Cat Foundation

BlogPaws 2012 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards - Winner: Best Blog Writing


Best Blog Writing Finalists:

Black & Orange Cat Foundation Blog: Life in Rescue

Covered in Cat Hair

The Intrepid Pup

Rescued Insanity

Winner for Best Humor Blog:

Yasmine Surovec for

Cat vs Human

Yasmine’s choice to receive 5,000 meals from Halo and Freekibble:

Hermitage Cat Shelter

BlogPaws 2012 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards - Winner: Best Humor Blog


Best Humor Blog Finalists:


Cat vs Human

The Chronicles of Cardigan


Winner for Best Blog Photo:

Jennifer Costello for

My Brown Newfies:
World at My Paws

Jennifer’s choice to receive 5,000 meals from Halo and Freekibble:

Medina County SPCA

BlogPaws 2012 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards - Winner: Best Blog Photo


Best Blog Photo Finalists:

My Brown Newfies:
World at My Paws

My Tail Hurts from Wagging So Much:
Me and My Shadow

Sky Blue Photography Blog:
Colors of the Season

The Cat Ball: “Nyan Cat Ball

Winner for Best Blog Video:

CJ Jackson for

My Favorite Pup:
Santa Paws – Santa’s Little Helper

CJ’s choice to receive 5,000 meals from Halo and Freekibble:

Arizona Animal Welfare League

BlogPaws 2012 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards - Winner: Best Blog Video


Best Blog Video Finalists:

Brewskie Butt:
Brewskie Butt ‘Rock Star’ Video

(Blog)Paws Crossed – the Video

My Favorite Pup:
Santa Paws – Santa’s Little Helper

Pepi Smart Dog:
Rainbow Bridge Guided Tour

Winner for Best Facebook Design:

Alana Miller for

Blind Cat Rescue and Sanctuary

Alana’s choice to receive 5,000 meals from Halo and Freekibble:

Blind Cat Rescue

BlogPaws 2012 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards - Winner: Best Facebook Design


Best Facebook Design Finalists:

Blind Cat Rescue and Sanctuary

Choppy the Dog

Morris Animal Foundation

The Tiniest Tiger

Winner for Best Twitter Design:

Cathy Keisha Kleinke for


Cathy’s choice to receive 5,000 meals from Halo and Freekibble:

A Call 4 Paws

BlogPaws 2012 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards - Winner: Best Twitter Design


Best Twitter Design Finalists:





Thanks again for the FAB-U-LOUS support from our sponsors!

Halo, Purely for Pets FreekibbleColorLogo-sizedSince 2008, Freekibble.com has donated more than 7.7 million meals to dogs and cats at shelters, rescues and foodbanks. Each day, Freekibble.com and Freekibblekat.com feature a new trivia question. Visitors to the sites can answer the questions and, right or wrong, earn 10 pieces of kibble for homeless pets. 

As Freekibble.com’s official pet food sponsor since 2010, Halo donates the award-winning Halo Spot’s Stew Freekibble distributes to shelters and rescues throughout the U.S. – over 1 million meals every year. Halo, co-owned by animal advocate Ellen DeGeneres, has been making all-natural pet food from ingredients you can find in your own kitchen since 1986.

60,000 Meals! Gifts! Cash!

Freekibble.com awarded each of the 12 winners a 5,000-meal donation of Halo Spot’s Stew to the rescue or shelter of the winner’s choice. Winners also receive a $100 gift certificate to Halopets.com. And each runner-up finalist will receive one Halo gift pack.

Plus, the Winners got to vote on one more pet-related organization to receive one of our traditional closing ceremony donations from BlogPaws — and they chose World Vets! We’d promised to donate $100 for each winner, but we rounded up and a check for $2,000 is going to World Vets from the Nose-to-Nose winners and BlogPaws!

BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose™ Social Media Pet Blogging Awards

Who: BlogPaws, the first online pet community to establish an offline social media marketing conference bringing together brands and bloggers, announces the BlogPaws “Nose-to-Nose” Social Media Pet Blogging Awards, 2012.

What:  This is the only awards program where pet bloggers (and pet people who “microblog” on Twitter and Facebook) are being judged by a panel of distinguished professionals on their expertise, creativity, and performance in one or more of 12 categories. Best of all, The BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose Awards are not a popularity contest!

When: Nominations open April 23, 2012 and close May 6th.

How: Bloggers may nominate themselves or another pet blogger or microblogger.

Which:  Categories for which a blog may be nominated are:

  1. Best Blog Design: judged on overall design elements of the blog homepage/landing page.
  2. Best Blog Writing: judged on overall writing skill – is the message clear to the reader?
  3. Best Humor Blog: judged on overall sense of humor – does it make us laugh?
  4. Best Bark Blog: judged on the content as it applies to dogs and dog parents.
  5. Best Meow Blog: judged on the content as it applies to cats and cat parents.
  6. Best Wiggle Blog: judged on focus of blog toward non-traditional pets (i.e. ferrets, guinea pigs, chickens, etc).
  7. Best New Blog: less than one year old, with good content and engagement.
  8. Best Cause Blog: judged on message, purpose and results as demonstrated on the blog.
  9. Best Video on a Blog: judged independently (one video per blog); is it well done, focused, creative and purposeful?
  10. Best Photo on a Blog: judged independently (one photo per blog); is it well done, focused, creative and purposeful?
  11. Best Facebook Design: judged on overall design of Facebook header and use of special Facebook page features.
  12. Best Twitter Design: judged on overall design elements for Twitter profile background.

Please read the BlogPaws Official Rules and Regulations.


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