28 Blog Post Ideas for February

One month down, 11 to go!

How’s 2018 treating you? We’re kicking off the shortest month of the year with 28 blog post ideas–one for each day of the month. February is FULL of events, holidays, and observances that go beyond hearts and Cupid, though do check out some animal-welfare-related lovey themes below:

28 Blog Post Ideas for February

  1. January in review: A look back or roundup-style post recapping your favorite moments, posts, and social shares from the month before. While we hope all our readers devour every piece of content we produce, it’s not always the case, so a recap is a great way to make sure your fans see your work.
  2. New Year’s Resolutions/Declarations/Goals Check-In!
  3. February 2 is Groundhog Day. The official hashtag–because, of course, there has to be one–is #GroundhogDay!
  4. Super Bowl snacks: Two possible takes include DIY snacks you can share with your pet, or snack safety/what not to share with your pet. And, yep, there’s a hashtag for this big February 4 event: #SBLII.
  5. Blogs (or social channels) you can’t miss! As an influencer, you’re probably more tapped into what animals are big on social and what bloggers shouldn’t be skipped. Do a link roundup to share your faves from around the web with your audience.
  6. Spring bucket list: According to Tailwind (one of this year’s conference speakers!), February is the best time to pin spring-related content, so start dreaming spring!
  7. How to Organize Pet Supplies: From that same Tailwind analysis, February is big on organization. Share a glimpse into your system for keeping your pets’ things organized.
  8. Write a welcome message: Many of your longtime readers probably know you well by now, but over the years you’ve gathered up lots of new readers who didn’t see those early posts. Write a post welcoming your new readers and pointing them toward some of your favorite posts since you started. Be warm, inviting, and authentic and you’re sure to convent your new audience into loyalists.
  9. The Winter Olympics start February 9: How are your pets getting into the games? Really awesome Insta opportunities with this theme and hashtag #Pyeongchang2018.
  10. Mardi Gras is February 13: Another awesome photo opp with fun props like beads and feathers!
  11. Be My Valentine with an Adoptable: Put a spin on the lovely holiday by featuring an adoptable pet as your Valentine to spread his or her pic… and hopefully find that perfect forever home!
  12. 10 Things I Love About You: Capitalize on the popularity of lists with an ode to your pets. If you’re a multi-pet home, this can be a super fun series!
  13. Married with pets OR Dating with pets: What it’s like to “co-parent” your pets or how to introduce a potential partner to your furry loves.
  14. Tell your love story: How did you find and fall in love with your pets?
  15. February 20 is #LoveYourPet Day!
  16. February 21 is Women Who Write Blogs (#WWWBlogs) Day: So many opportunities here to honor the women in your life and all their hard work.
  17. Your pet’s most troublesome behavior and what you’re doing about it: Chances are someone somewhere is facing the same problem and will be relieved to find your post.
  18. A beginner-level how-to: Whether it’s an intro to your dog’s breed, a primer on TNR, a basic DIY, an equipment-for-beginners roundup, and so on, 101-level posts garner tons of search traffic. Find one that fits your niche!
  19. Create a resource list: This is an awesome way to create an evergreen post with tons of affiliate links.
  20. Tell a story through photographs: Skip the text and focus just on the imagery.
  21. Answer an FAQ: Comb through your emails and comments, FB messages, and Insta comments. Pick a question that comes up often and write a post in response.
  22. Comb through your Google Analytics, looking for long-tail keywords that bring people to your site. Craft a new post that uses that long-tail phrase as the title. Don’t forget to interlink!
  23. Curate a post: 10 Funniest Cat Videos on YouTube, The Best Agility Dogs on Instagram, Cutest Hats on Hamsters, etc.
  24. Invite another blogger to collaborate on a post or exchange guest posts to add a fresh voice to each other’s site.
  25. Tell us all about your day. How was it? How did your pets behave? Even if nothing out of the ordinary happened, readers love a glipse “behind the scenes.”
  26. Winter skin-and-coat care: What are your tips and tricks, and what products do you recommend? (Don’t forget the affiliate links!)
  27. What was your biggest mistake as a pet parent, and what did you learn from that experience?
  28. February 28 is National Science Day (#ScienceDay): Put on your journalistic hat and uncover what scientific research is relates to your niche. Type some keywords into Google Scholar to see what you can find!

Your turn!

What’s on your editorial calendar for February? Do you have any gaps to fill with these ideas? What direction is your blog taking for the last full month of winter?

Image: rattiya lamrod/Shutterstock.com

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