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Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop: Prepping Your Blog for the Holidays

Deck the halls with boughs of blog posts, fa la la la la. This week’s blog hop is dedicated to prepping your blog for the holidays.  Since it is July and ’tis the season for Christmas in July, slough off the summer slump with these steps to take NOW in order to get your blog ready for holiday festivities and income generating:

Blog prep for the holidays

Plan Content Now

What holidays and holiday-related events do you plan to blog about? Consider:

  • Gift guides
  • Black Friday
  • Cyber Monday
  • Your own products or online store (Etsy)
  • Pet travel
  • Pet costumes for Halloween
  • Toxic and dangerous foods for pets
  • Thanksgiving Meals for Pets

Don’t Wait to Pitch Brands

Who do you plan to or want to work with this holiday season? Brands need to be contacted sooner than later. Based on your content, start a Trello board or Google Sheet including the brand, email, when you contacted, what you are offering, and what they get in return. Is a media kit needed? Get it ready now. Canva has a ton of templates that pop. Infuse your brand and style into them, top it off with a logo, and prep your pitch letter today.

How to Use Trello as a Blogging Calendar

Pin It To Win It

Pinterest is a a search engine and not a social media platform. Now think about that: A search engine means people are coming to Pinterest to buy something, try something, or do something. Plan your content and pins around those actions. Are you working as an affiliate? Make pins that complement your gift guides and holiday blog posts. Plan the titles so that folks who see it want to click through to the post. Use SEO words in your pin descriptions. Speaking of which…

blog posts for holidays

SEO Terms

What are pet parents most likely to search on this holiday season? Are you doing proper SEO and keyword search before blogging your present content? Check out SERPs or Google Trends to find keywords, including those used during the holiday season.

Update Last Year’s (and Older) Holiday Blog Posts

Give older content a makeover with new pins, social media assets, pop in some affiliate links if it makes sense, and share away!

Photo Planning

With all of this talk of content, a huge part of that is multimedia. What types of videos and photos are you planning to use? Where will you shoot the images? Make a list!

How to Take Irresistible Cat Photos

Get Props Now

Look in clearance sections at stores or dollar stores as the holidays approach. I use gift boxes, tinsel, ornaments, strings of lights, pumpkins, and more in my shoots.

Treat Yourself With Sizzling Summer Savings

Discover your tribe and connect with social media influencers and experts. Get early bird pricing ticket for the BlogPaws 2018 Conference today.

The Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop

BlogPaws offers year-round interaction, activity, community and more to learn, earn, and connect. Visit and leave comments on other blogs to make some new buddies and maybe some new followers. You can add the button to your post and/or to your blog sidebar, either by cutting and pasting the image or using the HTML code below. Need help? Here it is:

How to Join a Blog Hop – BlogPaws Tutorial Video: Step by step help to get you started:


Need more help? Here it is: How to Join a Blog Hop – BlogPaws Tutorial

Images:  Mirelle / Marcos Mesa Sam Wordley /  Shutterstock

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