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How to Win Money for Your Favorite Pet Rescue

blogpaws_bechangeI am a shelter or rescue worker who wants to do something more to raise awareness for the pets in need.

I am a pet parent who wants to help homeless pets but have no idea where to start.

I am a blogger who wants to give back to animals but I don’t know what resources are available: it’s overwhelming!

If any of the above applies to you, BlogPaws Cares. In a continuing effort to help animals, educate pet parents, empower bloggers, and be the change for pets, BlogPaws has hot-off-the presses tips and information for all three of the above categories. Keep reading and watching below for ways to win money for your favorite pet rescue!

Be the Change for Pets is a movement created by the passionate BlogPaws community: People of, for, and about animals. Since the inception of BlogPaws and the launch of our first conference in 2010, consider the following “by the numbers” ways we’ve helped animals in need:

be the change for pets

There are ways to get involved. In a recent BlogPaws Cares Live Google Hangout on Air, BlogPaws staffers Yvonne DiVita, Carol Bryant, and a very special guest, Joey Herrick (founder of the Lucy Pet Foundation) talk helping pets in need. Do you need inspiration? A way to give back? A place to start? A rescue group idea?

The BlogPaws Cares video in its entirety can be found below, and here are some talking points for reference:

Why does BlogPaws care? Position 1:40 and Yvonne DiVita dishes the scoop

How to Win Money Your Favorite 501(c)3: Position 4:39 with Yvonne and Carol

The Lucy Pet Foundation and How they Are Rocking Rescue: Position 10:00 with Joey Herrick

Enter to Win a $500 Donation to 501(c)3: Details at 15:02 and connect with Kristin Dewey; Kristin Dewey has organized a blogger campaign for us, and a private drawing just for our bloggers. One blogger will win a $500 donation to their favorite rescue. For more info email bloggers@lucypetfoundation.org.

blogger win

Kitten Bowl During Super Bowl: A new public contest is starting soon with people posting photos of their pets with #TeamDog or #TeamCat signs. We’re giving away iPads and #TeamDog and #TeamCat fan packs. Watch our social media accounts for the contest.: Position 24:10

Follow the Lucy Pet Foundation on social: @LucyPetFdn on Twitter and Instagram, and Facebook.com/LucyPetFoundation.

And as a very special workshop during the BlogPaws Conference, on Day One, May 28th in Nashville, Tennessee, a special “Meet the Rescues” event with Caroline Golon, Sybil Stershic, and Felissa Elfenbein. Register for BlogPaws 2015 here.

BlogPaws 2015 - May 28-30 - Nashville - REGISTER NOW!

What are you doing to help pets in need?

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