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Using Video In Your Blog Posts

Yvonne DiVita, BlogPaws CEO started the conversation with guests on the “Lights. Camera. Action!” Google Hangout, Denise Wakeman, Mia Voss, Robert Semrow and Alana Greylak by saying that, “The Internet is all about video these days and just about everything you do is about video these days.”

Lights.These three guests will be speaking at the BlogPaws Conference. Alana will be speaking about taking videos and photography with your smartphone. Denise and Mia will speak about how to build your pet brand with live video events. Robert’s session will be on using videography effectively.

Alana shared that the, “Internet is very forgiving of individuals using smart phones for videos and photography.”

Mia said, “I use my phablet because of the spontaneity of using my smart phone.” Robert agreed that many videos are shot with a smartphone, he said, “I encourage you to simply capture the moment, regardless of your technology.” Dynamic new world content encompasses audio, video and other technologies and is a great way to connect more deeply with your audience.

Denise shared that she is, “Not a photographer or videographer by any stretch of the imagination but the only ones you see are the ones that are great. The more you do it, the better your images.”

Robert also says, “Please turn your phone horizontal. We see so many vertical videos, so please turn the phone!”

Watch the entire Google Cares & Shares Hangout here. We’d love to know if you love video and if you use it on your blog.

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