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Tips To Repurpose Your Blog Content
Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess
We know, it’s fewer than three days until the holidays are upon us and New Years will quickly follow. Whew! What’s a blogger to do when there is limited time but you still want to provide your awesome content to your faithful followers and readers?
Here is my quick and to the point blog post to help you take content that you’ve already written, re-purpose it, breathe new life into it and then share it again:
- Turn your blog post into an info graphic. If you’ve written a blog post that offers a great Top 10 of XYZ, hop over to
PicMonkey or Canva and drop that info in, make an info graphic and viola re-purposed content in a new format and something that just may attract new readers! Or, take your blog post and turn each into a graphic that can be pinned. Top 10 post = ten separate pins!
- Turn your blog post into a video. What? You don’t want to be in front of a video camera? Guess what? If you have great content to share, it’s more about the content than about whether you are in full makeup with perfectly coiffed hair (and yes, this goes for men, too!). Take a blog post that you love, make some talking points and churn out a series of short (think two to three minute) videos. Take a Top 10 list and turn each point into a video. You can then get ten videos out of one post! Have to love that return on your investment, right?
- Use your blog posts as newsletter content. Again, take your Top 10 (I am assume you do “list posts”) and use each of the items in that list as snippet of information in your newsletter. Additionally, to keep the content fresh, re-word the tips rather than copy and paste the same information.
How much content do you have on your blog that could be quickly and easily re-purposed?
(Photo Shutterstock: Woman and husky look at computer)