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Ten Quick Social Media Hits for Bloggers


by: Carol Bryant

Have you ever hovered over a "share this" button on someone's blog?  There are more buttons there than on a control panel at NASA headquarters, right? From Facebook to Tumblr, G+ to Reddit, there are seriously scores of social media sites, so you need to be on ALL of them, right?

Impossible. Why bother? A wise woman (thank you, Yvonne DiVita) time and again has reminded me now and then f the "people die from exposure" quote. So what is a blogger to do? Choices abound, time is limited, we're all busy beyond our eyeballs, and social media changes in the blink of an eye. Ever feel like you go to bed, wake up, and there's something that might have been missed overnight. Beyond FOMO (fear of missing out, which I'll save for another day), pick the networks where you want to be and where it makes sense. Choose to excel at a few instead of being mediocre at many. With that, here are ten quick social media hits you can apply right away:

Instagram: If you love taking photos, aren't always up for having to be witty or clever to summarize your thoughts in 140 characters (as much as we love Twitter, it can be, well, pressure filled BOL)…well Instagram just might be the instant answer to your prayers, or something close to it. Here's the scoop on what pet bloggers can do on Instagram.

BlogPaws Community: This is by far one of my favorite places to visit. I feel I can let my hair down, ask questions, insider info, and gain the latest in the blogging world here. Join the Year-Round Community: With alover 3,000 members, the BlogPaws community is a forum where you can ask questions, get advice, network, chat about animals, blogging, and meet people doing the same. There are many “groups” in the community so navigating is easy. Right now we’re chatting about how to find time to get everything done, avoid social media “drift,” BlogPaws Change and how to help animals in need, protecting photos from being lifted, and more.

Twitter: The most concise and abbreviated form of communication to hit the Internet and social media-sphere in probably, well, ever. In 140 characters, companies have escalated their sales, celebrities have destroyed their reputations, and millions of bloggers have gained a following.

Every Tuesdsay night (except the third Tuesday of the month) from 8 to 10 pm est,  connect with #blogpawschat on Twitter. Using the hashtag, #blogpawschat, from 8 to 9 p.m. EST. Twitter chats and paw-ties are a very popular form of communicating, business networking, and a way to engage with fellow tweeps. BlogPaws hosts a #BlogPawsChat the second Tuesday of every month from 8 pm to 10 pm est. It’s easy and fun to get involved, plus you can garner new followers by interacting and conversing with us. Log on to Twitter and use hashtag #BlogPawsChat to join your BlogPaws pals in the monthly fun, networking, and learning. – and you don't have to talk "just* about the monthly topic. Invite your friends.


Google Plus: BlogPaws is there, heck, millions are there, and what was once presumed to by many to be a ghost town is proving quite the contrary. From hangouts to circles, G+ is taking off, and we've got a G+ expert joining us at the BlogPaws 2014 Conference. Here's the scoop on who will be dishing G+ at BlogPaws and how you can meet her for a private meeting one on one.

Pinterest: If you are browsing the Internet at any given time (and who amongst us isn’t), you’ve got the materials needed to “pin.” Do you read blogs, catch up on news, and/or like to get the latest in the pet world online? Pin it! Many bloggers are reporting Pinterest to be a major source of traffic to their blogs, but there is a method to the Pinterest madness. Catch up on how to maximize your Pinterest presence from this BlogPaws video exclusive. One of our guest bloggers even went so far as to say Pinterest is better than Facebook: Do you agree?

Facebook: If your blog is not present on Facebook, you are probably in the minority. Though only a small percentage of business pages (and a blog page is considered a business page) are being seen on the followers of your Facebook feed (about 16 percent), be sure to spend your time wisely on Facebook. It is not the end all and be all to social networking, but yes, a very important one. Tip: Be sure your blog URL can be seen in the "About" section of your Facebook home page. Make it easy for folks to find you.


YouTube: At least once a week, I find myself uploading to YouTube. Sometimes it's easier to upload and show the story instead of always trying to tell it through words. Thanks to my smartphone, uploading's never been easier. The popularity and creation of videos on YouTube continues to climb. From tutorials to video webisodes and product reviews, we all want that "viral" element. Blogger Jeff Bullas has a phenom infographic about YouTube and all of its changes and offerings.

LinkedIn: A total of 61 percent of users say that LinkedIn is their primary go-tool social media resource tool. From a pet blogging perspective, I have connected with many in the business world on LinkedIn. Have you tried it? According to PRDaily.com, the largest contingent using the platform is the 35-44 age group.

Other Blogs: Say what? Indeed, the first word in "social media" says it all. For at least an hour a week, I visit other blogs; most often times it is more, and I could honestly spend a day reading pet blogs (and other niche blogs). The power of connecting with others shows you are current, engaged, social, and eager to get to know other bloggers. One of the best ways to do this if you have no idea where to start is the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday blog hop. Here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to jump into the hop, which takes place EVERY WEDNESDAY at BlogPaws.com.


Your Own Blog: This might sound redundant, particularly considering the title of this post, but there is no greater place to get social than on your own blog. Post at least weekly, if not more, and connect with the people who reply. I cannot tell you how many blogs I have seen go under or just fade into oblivion because they failed to stay current.

Got a favorite social media "must visit" I missed? Let us know in the comments below.



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  1. I am thinking I need to consider some of the data you have in this article. I agree with a lot of your points. I’ll have to get my brain working on some of these.

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