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Reflect On 2016: Make 2017 the Best Year Ever

To plan for the future, you need to reflect on the past.


Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, “Insanity is doing the same things and expecting different results.” What does this mean for a blogger or influencer? It means, if you want to move forward, but are doing the same things that you did in the past that perhaps didn’t bring you the results you’d hoped, you need to change it up for 2017.

To gauge what worked, you need to reflect back on what happened in 2016. Download and print this Social Media Status form, fill in the blanks and use it as a way to measure what worked, what didn’t and what you want to do more of in 2017. Keep this form on hand so you know, at the end of 2017, what your numbers were.Tips for a great 2017

Here are items to reflect upon:
1. What success did you have?
2. What did you learn?
3. What surprised you? Either good or not so good?
4. What trends did you notice?
5. What do you need to jettison in the coming year?

Fill in the blank, “2016 was a year of _____________” Plan for 2017 Choose your one word for success

Here are items to consider when making 2017 your best year ever:
1. How will you evolve in 2017?
2. What do you need to do to evolve and move forward?
3. What is your number one goal?
4. What are three of your other top priorities?
5. With whom do you want to connect?
6. What do you need to do to achieve your goals? Training? Better time management? More money?
7. What is one personal change you want to make in 2017?

Have you ever chosen a “word of the year?” This is that one word, or perhaps a phrase, that will be your guiding mantra throughout 2017. I’d been thinking long and hard and meditating on my One Word for 2017 and it is going to be “Gratitude.”

What will your One Word for 2017 be? How do you plan to recap 2016 so you can move into the new year with renewed energy?

Robbi Hess is an award-winning author, full-time writer, newspaper columnist, writing coach and time-management guru. She works with bloggers and solopreneurs and blogs at All Words Matter.

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