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Preparing For Weather Emergencies

pet evacuation In light of the recent flooding and storms down south, we felt it necessary to share this information from petMD on how to prepare your pet for a weather, or any other, emergency. You should have a “go kit” for both your human family and your fur-family.

This is a kit aka backpack that is equipped with all you would need if you had to either evacuate quickly or if you had to shelter in place during a weather emergency. Having additional food and water and medical supplies on hand is always a good idea, especially if you live in an area of the country that is prone to weather events and/or power outages.

Here is a great list from petMD of the top ten pet emergency items you should have packed and ready in your home.

What items do you have in your go-kit? Do you have a kit prepared? Where would you go if you had to evacuate? Do you have easy access to accommodations? How well will your pets travel? I know in my household, with two dogs, three cats and three lizards it’s a concern as to how they’d all fit in a vehicle and how well the lizards would travel.

Prepare for as many contingencies as you possibly can so you aren’t frantic if you have to evacuate or if you cannot get out of your home.

We’d love to know your best tips for preparing for an emergency with your pets. Please leave your comment below.

(Photo Shutterstock: Dog in boat)

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