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#PetBloggerMonth: Content Creation & Money-Making Blog Round Up

This week our blog posts took readers from content creation to money-making for their pet blogs and many items in between. As part of BlogPaws ongoing efforts to help our pet bloggers succeed beyond their wildest imaginings with their pet blogging efforts.

Whether your wildest imagining is to make a living at your blog business or if you want to find a way to supplement your other household income or if you are blogging for the pure, unadulterated joy of sharing your knowledge, expertise and love of pets with the world, here are some blog posts that we shared that you just might want to bookmark for future reference:

  • The owner of the Oh My Dog blog shared these tips for beginning pet bloggers that you will want to check out — whether shutterstock_116787211you’re a newbie or a long-time blogger.
  • You may have wondered when you started blogging if “bigger is better” and the answer is a resounding… maybe, but then again, maybe not? Niche bloggers may not have a huge following but they typically have a passionate one. Are you looking for numbers or engagement or both?
  • This post shows how a niche blogger shares her experience and expertise about a niche subject — special needs cats. Do you have a niche that you can blog about and focus your writing on? If so, grab it!
  • So, you’ve written a blog post or two or a dozen, is anyone reading it? Is your pet blog searchable? What do you do, or what can you do to make certain it is and that readers find you? Read about pet blog searchability and let us know what comes first: the blog post or the search terms is it a chicken versus the egg situation?
  • Yay! You’re blogging, but only when you find the time. Is that enough time? Is there a way you can be a more productive pet blogger? Perhaps and here are some techniques you can implement.
  • We hear from so many of our pet bloggers in the BlogPaws Community that they “want to make money,” or they want to make more money. Here are some of the steps you need to take to become a money-making pet blogger. 
  • …and now that you have your blog, what will you populate it with? Here are some content creation tips for the pet blogger.

As a pet blogging business owner what challenges do you face?

(Photo: Shutterstock: Cat and money)

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