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Pet Parents Discuss Natural Pet Foods And Products

Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess

Pet parents are so invested in the health and welfare of their pets that they are label readers, they connect in pet communities to talk about products and alert others to pet food recalls. We also look for products made from recycled materials and for products shutterstock_114350371that won’t harm our pets in any way. Because of this we are helping our pets live longer, healthier lives and after all, isn’t that the purpose of being a responsible pet parent?

Here are some blog posts written by members of our Pet Blogger Network as they discuss natural pet foods and products:

  • The Conscious Cat wrote about #PawNatural shopping online for her feline companions. She’s been a fan of Only Natural Pet and its online selections for more than 10 years — that certainly speaks to not only the quality of the products, but to the expertise of the staff veterinarians and the products Only Natural Pet carries.
  • Even though the blogger at Oh My Dog! writes that she and her family try to always eat healthy and use natural personal products (she says she can’t resist Oreos and squeeze cheese!) and because of that she sought out natural products and foods for her fur-kids.
  • A pet who developed an allergy prompted Sugar The Golden Retriever’s mom to go green with cleaning products. Sugar, an official senior pet, relies on medications to help her keep her energy up and her aches and pains in check and her family understands that using natural products are safer for her and will help her live a healthier, happier, longer life.
  • Because she was “raised by hippies” the blogger at Paws and Effect says she was always conscious of environmental issues. She writes that even though her family reused and recycled before it was cool, she hadn’t given a lot of thought to a greener lifestyle for her pets, until recently. From finding a litter that her cats would use to learning about a recall on the very pet food she was feeding her cats, she became a label reader and a more conscious consumer on what foods she would give to her fur-kids.

As one of the bloggers wrote, “you don’t have to live off the grid in an abandoned valley” to want to take at least one little step at a time to move your family — all of them — into a more environmentally friendly and healthy lifestyle.

Have you taken any steps toward a more natural lifestyle with your pets? I know that when I visited the Only Natural Pet store when I was at the recent BlogPaws Team Summit in Colorado I picked up some foods for Henrietta and some treats for the cats and for Spenser and I know they enjoy them and I feel so much better knowing my pets are eating food I can feel good about feeding them.

(Photo Shutterstock Kitten and Dog)

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