How Pet Bloggers Can Monetize with BlogPaws
by: Carol Bryant
I want to make money. I want to monetize with BlogPaws. I am a pet blogger and want to bring in cash through my blog.
Do any or all of the above apply to you? There are ways you can monetize your blog if you are willing to put forth the time, attention, effort, and passion into doing so. Like anything, if you want results you have to work for it and not just wish for it. We at BlogPaws are here to help you succeed in your pet blogging, microblogging, and monetization goals. If you are ready to do so, here’s the scoop from our very own BlogPaws Blogger Outreach and Communications Manager, Felissa Elfeinbein, on what you should proactively do along with some commentary from me.
Before we get started, you need to be a member of the BlogPaws Community. All of our call-outs from brands looking to work with bloggers are then sent out to the bloggers who are a part of the BlogPaws Community. So start there:

Felissa says: You need a Blog and a Pet and your pet should at least make an appearance on your Blog.
Carol says: Your pet doesn’t have to talk in your blog in his or her voice, but we should see your pet or pets and know that you have a regular appearance of a pet in your blog in some capacity.
Felissa says: Once you have a Blog and work on your blog for a few months or a few years building your following, creating your voice, and figuring out what works or you you can begin to apply for campaigns.
Carol says: That doesn’t mean you need to wait gobs of time and then apply to make money. You need to ask yourself, “Why should someone pay me? Do I have a blog that is kept up with, that I devote time to, and that I consider more than a hobby?”
Felissa says: Just because you apply and you think you are the best candidate for the job does not mean the brand agrees. When brands make their decision they are all looking for the right fit. The right fit could mean any number of things from looking for a certain voice from your blog to your own age! It could mean they were looking for someone that not only talks about pets but certain a combination of other things. Sometimes it is all about the reach of the campaign. Sometimes it is the story that the Blogger can tell and sometimes it is all about the images they share. Other times it is all about the look of your blog once all other factors are taken into account. Sometimes the deciding factor has to do with what other brands you have mentioned or if you have worked with that brand in the past.

Carol says: We send out an email to all community members. We tell you to apply and fill out an application. You need to pay attention to what info you provide. Most importantly, tell us why your blog will rock this campaign and how you will get this brand the visitors and eyeballs they deserve through your social media savvy. It isn’t easy but it is doable and many bloggers are doing it. Building an audience takes time and dedication. Oh, and we teach this stuff at the yearly conference, which is why it is an investment in you. Again, we are doing all these things to help you excel and own your own destiny!
Felissa says: Ask yourself these questions: Are you truly set up to help the campaign be successful? Do you have a network of people in place that will help share the post? Do you have multiple ways for your readers to engage with your post? Can they comment, click the like button to share on Facebook? Can they tweet your post? Can they share on image on Pinterest? What about Google+? If not #noexcuses make it happen or don’t apply. That might seem harsh but not only do you need to produce great content you need to create engagement on that content. If your readers cannot engage with your post any post not even talking about a sponsored post why not?
Carol says: If this sounds overwhelming, it really isn’t. It does, however, take time, practice, and dedication. I have walked this road and continue to walk it with you.
So how can we help you achieve your goals? Are you active in the BlogPaws Community? Visiting us regularly on the blog and our social media? Jump in. All of our bloggers started somewhere, even all of us here at BlogPaws. The first step starts with you. And you aren’t alone. We can help you achieve your goals.