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Pet Blogger Behavior on Social Media Infographic

The very active BlogPaws Community Pet Blogger Influencer Group received a present last week, and now we are sharing with the general community. We polled the group all about pet bloggers and social media behavior and the infographic located at this link showcases the results. When brands see this, it is also very impressive because it shows them WHERE we spend our time online and that THEY can benefit by working with pet bloggers. Share on your blog and spread the word. Then show us where you blogged it! Be an influencer and join the group!

Influencer members receive this exclusively first, so apply to be an Influencer here.

If you blog this, share the link below in the comments boxes!

Simply use the code on your blog’s “back end” and embed it. You may also choose upload the photo to your blog, image below, and code is here as
well. (scroll to the bottom for code):

<img src=”http://blogp.ws/18vQ61S” alt=”‘Pet Bloggers on Social Media “></br><a href=”https://blogpaws.com“></

a><h2>Embed this on your site</h2><textarea><img src=”http://blogp.ws/18vQ61S” alt=”‘Pet Bloggers on Social Media “></br><a href=”https://blogpaws.com“></a></textarea>



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